Example sentences of "[noun sg] and on a " in BNC.

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1 In a rapidly changing business , how can crucial decisions on manpower be taken with the necessary speed and on a basis of fact ?
2 A Soviet Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs , Valeri Nikolaenko , who visited the Cuban capital Havana on Sept. 21-22 , stated that agreement had been reached on the practical aspects of a staged withdrawal of a 3,000-strong Soviet training brigade and on a " specific time frame " for talks on further withdrawals .
3 It relied both on the circumstances of the shooting and on a confession alleged to have been made by telephone by the defendant to Paulette 's husband , Jimmy Zaidie ( ‘ Zaidie ’ ) immediately after the shooting , and also on threats previously made by the defendant to kill Paulette , as alleged by the prosecution and as testified to in evidence by Zaidie and by Daphne Matadial ( ‘ Matadial ’ ) , Paulette 's sister .
4 Against this , J.H. Gagnon and William Simon have argued in their book Sexual Conduct that sexuality is subject to ‘ socio-cultural moulding to a degree surpassed by few other forms of human behaviour ’ , and in so arguing they are building both on a century of sex research and on a century of questioning the notion of ‘ natural man ’ .
5 Subject to the Rules and to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares , on a show of hands every member who ( being an individual ) is present in person or ( being a recognised body ) is present by a duly authorised corporate representative [ , not being himself a member entitled to vote , ] shall have one vote and on a poll every member shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder .
6 Subject to the Rules and to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares , on a show of hands every member who ( being an individual ) is present in person or ( being a recognised body ) is present by a duly authorised corporate representative [ , not being himself a member entitled to vote , ] shall have one vote and on a poll every member shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder .
7 In poor light and on a tricky pitch , West Indies , put in by Botham , had to work hard to reach 198 , with 78 from Greenidge the major contribution and Old 's figures being a remarkable 11-4-12-2 .
8 We all intend to continue the same sort of programme for the next couple of years and I have said I would like to call in next term and on a periodic basis until our responsibility ceases .
9 Vieira said on May 13 , 1990 , that the PAIGC had begun the process of creating conditions for the introduction of a multiparty system , adding that it was essential that this process developed in a spirit of dialogue and on a non-tribal basis .
10 Formal negotiations on this issue and on a state treaty between the two countries were accordingly begun on April 25 .
11 The village was built on a fairly steep hillside and on a terrace which functioned as the village square a party was getting under way with a barbecue and a band consisting of sound-system , drums , electric guitar , bass guitar and electric keyboard .
12 for one pound and unfortunately as he the option of the contract and on a number of occasions question whether he should exercise the option .
13 Operating profit was well ahead of budget and on a like with like basis ( after excluding the two food ingredients businesses sold in 1992 ) was 80 per cent higher than 1991 .
14 He got into the fish trade ; got on a bit and on a bit , and that 's how he started going to Lowestoft and buying his own .
15 The Society also communicated with solicitors directly at regional level and on a variety of courses and conferences .
16 When you look at any remedial teacher , whatever their inclinations might be , when you actually observe work it 's quite clear they 're , they 're always working on both an emotional level and on a learning level .
17 When Congress assembled the Speaker of the House of Representatives asked Hall to give the opening prayer and on a Sunday he preached before both Houses in the Capitol building .
18 Lee 's offer followed a statement to Taiwan 's National Assembly on May 15 in which he had suggested that there should be dialogue within a " one-China framework and on a government-to-government basis with the two sides having equal status " .
19 really cos there 's such a cross section of conversation going on , it 's really funny there 's this bit in the car when we went outside with the mike and on a at Claire 's party and er erm like there 's me talking to Claire really loudly like across the car and Frank talking to Nigel across the front and he speakers were up here and there 's just a whaaaaaaa this massive rabble going on .
20 But Evans suggests that on some newspapers speed is valued more than polish and on a busy evening a deskman will find stories arriving faster than he can edit them .
21 Where there is a material difference between earnings per share calculated on a net basis and on a nil distribution basis , the latter should be shown .
22 The house was full of trend-spotters , from gossip columnist Ivan Warner and irritable feminist Kate Armstrong to Treasury adviser Philip , worried about pension projections in an increasingly elderly society : from information vendor Charles Headleand to epidemiologist Ted Stennett , across whose horizon the science-fiction disease of AIDS was already casting a faint red ominous glow : from forensic psychiatrist Edgar Lintot ( who had not yet heard of AIDS , but who had heard rumours about changing views in high places on the sentencing of the criminally insane ) to Alix Bowen , worried on a mundane level about the future funding of her own job and on a less selfish level about the implications for the rehabilitation of female offenders of cuts in that funding : from theatre director Alison Peacock , anxious about her Arts Council subsidy , to Representative Public Figure , Sir Anthony Bland , the aptly named Chairman ( or so Ivan alleged ) of the Royal Commission on Royal Commissions , who was thinking that for various reasons he might have to resign , and from more bodies than one , before the jostling and the hinting pushed him into an undignified retreat .
23 But there 's the bloody place and on a Friday night I thought ooh bloody .
24 And they did it for 20-year-old centre-half Darren Salton , who is still in a coma and on a life support machine after Thursday 's road crash in which Paul Telfer was also injured .
25 This program is available on disk and on a ROM chip .
26 The latter may prove difficult to achieve until good data is available both on outcome and on a more subtle classification of initial severity of the case .
27 They have given warning that they could call — and win — a referendum on dissolving the body and on a constitution to consolidate Mr Yeltsin 's powers .
28 A salary of between £200,000 and £230,000 would put Mr George at the top of the Civil Service pay tree and on a par with senior City bankers .
29 Overtaking on the inside and on a pelican crossing .
30 Something clanged by the back axle , a rock presumably , and then , with the back still slithering sideways and the rear left wheel beginning to race as it fell off into space , the vehicle gave a sort of shudder and we were out , clear of water and on a hard surface again .
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