Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aye , after a battle once you have recited your thanksgivings , or prior to a campaign , while you are girding your soul for a crusade as now , as blessedly now — many of you may yearn to kneel in your cell with saw and magnilens , with rasp and buffing wheel and carbide graver , with brush and inkhorn .
2 A big wave hit the side of the paddle wheel and sent white water over their heads .
3 At Kunstat we visit a ceramics factory , where you can try your hand at the potter 's wheel and buy some very reasonably priced pottery from their retail outlet .
4 Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that that is a remarkable achievement , bearing in mind the fact that Haringey is an inner-London borough and has all the associated problems ?
5 HepB infection can lead to cirrhosis and causes 80 per cent of liver cancer worldwide .
6 Stuart would borrow his father 's big Buick and take four or five of us to matches .
7 His first work , Administrations Civil and Spiritual ( 1648 ) , counterposes the ‘ darkness ’ of formal religion and imposed social order to the inner light of personal spirituality and reason .
8 In other words , all religion and morality are the product of the class struggle and communism does indeed intend to abolish eternal truths , to abolish all religion and to abolish all morality .
9 Walk through the Freemantle Copse , take the left fork of the bridleway and cross three fields to reach the drive of Appuldurcome House .
10 Their capacity for organotypic development is retained after isolation and shortterm primary culture .
11 In conclusion , we present a simple , reliable , and reproducible method of isolation and culturing bovine gall bladder epithelial cells , which remained viable for at least two weeks .
12 In countries like Egypt , instructions to workers to stay out of fields after spraying and to wear protective clothing are widely ignored , she said .
13 In 1964 they revised their articles of association and became registered but the main aim remains that of representing the interests of women artists .
14 He will be responsible for managing the association and ensuring residential , nursing and holiday homes operate efficiently .
15 The purchasers usually form an owners ' association and subcontract that to a management company .
16 First , the advent of the 1988 Housing Act and the limiting of Housing Association Grant to an average 75 per cent of development costs forces housing association and housing co-operative developments to secure the balance of funding from private sources .
17 they help unfreeze fixed ways of thinking and generate new or more ways of tackling a problem
18 The following messages emerged from interviews with staff and pupils in the six case-study schools about how to combat casual truancy and promote good attendance .
19 But it is likely that within the safety of the legal bond partners shake off some aspects of their public persona and expose more of themselves , particularly those problematic areas of their personalities with which unconsciously they wish to engage .
20 Pay particular attention to your soldering and make sure there are no solder blobs between adjacent tracks .
21 Being a forestry contractor and spending most of my time in woods and moors , I need a tyre with a lot more traction .
22 And even St George — if Gibbon is correct — wore a top hat once ; he was an army contractor and supplied indifferent bacon ’
23 If successful , it would be their intention to maintain Ferranti 's position as a leading UK defence contractor and to share operational responsibility for Ferranti 's businesses with overall management vested in British Aerospace .
24 The main difference for the very old , then , may be that whereas when they were younger it would have been possible to work through the effects of multiple grief and achieve some new balance in life , forming new relationships and so on , in old age this is less likely .
25 The thought of entering the disaster area of an elderly widow 's grief and shouldering some of the responsibility for helping her to bear it , and to rebuild what is left of her life , is enough to create feelings of anxiety in anyone ; and admittedly this can be a very difficult assignment , for not only will you be well aware that you are unable to give her the one thing she really wants — the return of her husband — but you will feel , as we all do when faced with the bereaved , that their personality seems suddenly to have been crushed like a flower under the heel of a vandal , showing it to be so fragile and vulnerable that almost any attempt to revive it would seem to be doomed to failure .
26 It is important that the whole family can recognise their grief and give each other emotional support .
27 Composites : essentially manufacturers in their own right which stock and sell other manufacturers ' products .
28 There is still time to try again : insert a bud on the other side of the stock and cover all with the binding .
29 The virus preyed on sows and piglets , in particular killing the young stock and causing pregnant animals to abort .
30 Network SouthEast , struggling to cope with its massive upsurge in business , proceeded with complete refurbishment of serviceable 1960s stock and started massive investment in new trains , notably its Networker .
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