Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , presumably one also needs to do the transposition of first oboe and second oboe in case the the oboe is n't there ?
2 Mm , mm Do you suppose it 's getting a bit the the file of phrase is complete fury over trend
3 And of course the the rationale for its label of delayed rectifier is now apparent , it shows some delay before it 's open before it opens .
4 Erm the erm Course the the blasting was on at nine .
5 It 's not about your mum the the window cleaner ?
6 but now id the the time to vote .
7 It 's it 's unusual these days bearing in mind the the government advice on planning policies for existing housing to be redeveloped .
8 That is in practice the the position .
9 The boat the the body off the boat .
10 But yo the figure the the figure which you mentioned Yeah .
11 So when they they we used to pull the pull the pull the pull the bread the the line
12 She hit her and at the same time as she hit her she virtually came to a er , a stop because of the fact she wa she started to brake as soon as she saw the the children appear er , but ne never the less contact was made but thankfully for her and for the child the the contact was a a at no significant speed , the child was just knocked off her feet and she got up and waved to Mrs and said I 'm alright and she ran off and she was away before Mrs had time , even to undo her safety belt to get out of the car .
13 About 150 former squadron members attended the official banquet ( I had earlier been asked to propose the Toast the the Squadron ) , there was a Squadron Parade , the dedication of a cairn to mark the 50 years and a flypast of present day aircraft .
14 er the next consideration is the safety of the police officers and then we also take into account that in this priority the the safety of the er the criminal and an armed operation would not be taken if it was possible to achieve the objective er in some other way .
15 My Lord the the report deals with the extent of the duties which are by solicitors engaged in commercial conveyancing , er the duties that is practice and is adopted by a majority of solicitors in this field , which relates to the extent of the duty to financial security and to advise as to er the availability if asked , of the way out of the contract and the meaning of and interpretation of the national agreement of sale .
16 The erm the the crusher , the hopper was fixed underneath the granary and then there 'd be a little trap-door in the floor or a granary , right above and you could er shovel the the corn , the oats down into .
17 On the ground the the division between the B one three six three corridor and A sixty four north must be erm a difficult one but again I for convenience I have used the district boundary to divide the two .
18 With with the greatest of respect the the point was n't really answered .
19 Santa Clara , California-based Destiny Technology Corp has lost patience with Unix Systems Laboratories , Novell Inc and Univel Inc over their use the the Destiny name for Unix System V.4.2 , and is suing for alleged trademark infringement , deceptive trade practices and unfair competition ; Destiny provides imaging controller software and hardware technology for printers and desktop peripherals .
20 Morning everybody erm the three points that were important for me yesterday were the Aldershot method the the arousal curve and the need for audience contact .
21 For really extreme positions in the air you can try an angled approach the the wave face .
22 My father working at home with his mother and farming this l twelve acre holding and my grandmother erm sub-letted the the park for him .
23 And it was done like this , this was done at a period when this church was changing from a Roman Catholic church The the window the original glass in this was a massive stained glass window of the crucifixion , and that had been put there in the fifteenth century by a Lord Mayor of York who was very wealthy and very religious and he wanted to show how wealthy and religious he was by pu er donating this window to the church .
24 The actual monthly pension the the lump sum would be paid on the first of September .
25 Turn turning then to just touch on the issues that I 've , we did n't cover yesterday for York , erm you 'll notice from our H One submission we have a slight difference of opinion with the County Council on the technical side of the er the calculation , we believe that the calculation , we believe that the calculation for York 's need rather than three three should be a four thousand figure , taking into account the the issue of concealed households and involuntary sharing .
26 And er the War ended as you know in November eighteen and er when the War came to an end the the Government introduced a form of service whereas if er we youngsters volunteered say if you volunteered for two year they gave you twenty pound and two months leave you see , if you volunteered for three year they gave you forty pound or was it thirty , thirty forty , and er three months leave .
27 I 've had them born in the car on the way the the mother have come to see me the father has brought her to see me thinking that if she could just see me she 'd be alright .
28 And the first thing I have to say a about the way the the place runs , is that it does n't run like an ordinary museum , nor does it run like and ordinary house .
29 Nonetheless , he says , it is the way the the world will be forced to go : the European Commission 's Open Network Provision directive requires that public telecommunications operators unbundle their charges for individual services .
30 The er for the electricity the the council electricity supplier .
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