Example sentences of "[noun sg] bring the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Did the runner bringing the news from the battlefield run straight past him when he reached the town ?
2 Normally , one is rather relieved to see the opposition bringing the ball back inside but at Rubislaw it set the alarm bells clanging .
3 Loss of control in the self ( particularly the ‘ selves ’ of powerful individuals ) , or loss of control in a wider social or political fabric could produce a domino effect bringing the whole into chaos .
4 I put the branch two-handed over my right shoulder as I run up to them , jump over a small bush and then as I land at their side bring the branch swinging down .
5 The wind brought the smell of sweat and horses and metal and beaten grass and sweet clover .
6 Emancipation brought the apprenticeship system in the majority of the West Indian territories but , until its operation began to cause ripples of concern in 1835 , a mood of satisfaction prevailed amongst many reformers .
7 ‘ A bucketful , indeed , ’ said Nessie to herself , as Old Den brought the cart to a halt in the yard .
8 But always , always the movement was like that of the incoming tide ; each wave in its flow and ebb brought the sea of Feldgrau a little further forward .
9 Confusion brought the colour faintly to her cheeks and she swallowed hard , her mouth strangely dry as she was held within the intimate circle of his embrace .
10 A former employee brought the case against the council on grounds of both sex and religion .
11 The third talk brought the comment : ‘ It is not enough to say to the hungry , ‘ Be fed ’ , or to the naked , ‘ Be clothed ’ . ’
12 An attempt to bring the imam of Yemen into alliance was vetoed by India , but he played tribal politics better than the craftiest of sheikhs , cheaply keeping the peace with well-placed bribes .
13 The Canadian-American Challenge Cup series of international road races in the United States and Canada was introduced in 1966 in an attempt to bring the excitement of Grand Prix racing to the North American road circuits that had sprung up .
14 Coun Peter Jones ( Con ) said it was madness to use Labour candidate Alan Milburn in the attempt to bring the company to the town .
15 Napoleon III was well aware of the danger posed by prolonged disputes about the Spanish succession and in an attempt to bring the problem to a quick end , he proposed as a ‘ neutral ’ candidate the Portuguese Prince , Fernando , husband and former King-Consort of Queen Maria .
16 Their typical approach can be divided into two lines of attack : a challenge to the deductibility of payments to the tax haven , and/or an attempt to bring the haven 's profits within the tax net in the high-tax jurisdiction .
17 As one attempt to bring the opposition together , LAG are proposing to hold a coordinating meeting of all the groups involved .
18 Pérez de Cuéllar on March 7 , 1990 , presented Iran and Iraq with a new eight-point peace agenda in a fresh attempt to bring the Gulf war to an official end .
19 The New Economic Policy also has a more unusual aspect : the attempt to bring the coca-dollars into circulation .
20 But — to the government 's continued chagrin — striking tax workers marched through Paris yesterday , and at the Peugeot factories in eastern France the employment ministry has appointed an official conciliator in a last-ditch attempt to bring the unions and management to the negotiating table .
21 Wherever one goes , whatever statistical projection is used in an attempt to bring the future into focus , one is aware of a rising sea of people and their vehicles which defeats frontiers .
22 It was a simple attempt to bring the plane down , but one that required sound engineering knowledge .
23 Growing pressure both within the Diet and outside led the government to abandon its earlier attempt to bring the investigation to a close .
24 ( b ) Draw back the spent punch , using this action to bring the knee forwards and up .
25 Dundee United 's manager , Jim McLean , then took typically forthright action to bring the player to his senses , relegating Ferguson to the reserves until he learned to accept the club 's code of discipline .
26 To hold the sleeve up , the patient may take the collar between his teeth while he reaches behind his neck to bring the shirt behind his back .
27 But with the backing of Paddy Ashdown and his Liberal Democrats , including Liverpool Mossley Hill MP David Alton , the Government won the vote to bring the Maastricht Bill back to the Commons by 319 votes to 316 .
28 From Rorschach a direct road to the south-west brings the traveller quickly to St Gallen , the largest city in north-east Switzerland , the capital of the canton which bears its name , and a place whose prestige rests securely on a joint foundation of industry , its role in Switzerland 's cultural life , scholarship , expanding tourism , its success in preserving an inherited past , and its development as a congress centre .
29 The rotation of the key brings the check and the hammer closer to each other .
30 At last someone has had the nerve to bring the area in line with the rest of British climbing : no longer will it be a quiet backwater resigned to a few lines in the climbing press about some brilliant new VDiff on a puny little crag in the back of beyond .
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