Example sentences of "[noun sg] hold out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There has been much conjecture about a lack of motivation at lower levels in the Iraqi formations , as contrasted with that displayed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards , or Pasdaran , whose commitment and capacity to hold out against Iraqi superiority in equipment were important features of the war 's early years .
2 On Oct. 8 the United Kingdom had entered the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European monetary system of the European Communities ( EC ) , but at the subsequent European Council meeting in Rome Thatcher had been isolated in her opposition to an early move towards the second stage of economic and monetary union ( EMU ) and in the strength of her determination to hold out against the possible ultimate introduction of a single European currency [ see pp. 37782-73 ] .
3 Spent the afternoon watching youngest son 's team holding out for a draw while rushing to and from the car to get the latest score from Lord 's .
4 Despite an obvious desire to hold out against its bigger competitors , Phillips have been forced to give in on the issue of increased buyers ' premium .
5 Greece sought until the last moment to hold out for a higher ceiling than the 60,500 transit licences offered to Greek lorries .
6 The definition of an inn is to be found in s.1(3) of the HPA 1956 — ‘ an establishment held out by the proprietor as offering food , drink and , if so required , sleeping accommodation , without special contract , to any traveller presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received ’ .
7 ‘ Besides , ’ Karr added , accepting the ch'a menu the waiter held out to him , ‘ I have heard that the Dragon Cloud is the paragon among teahouses .
8 The refugees have spent six days on the Austrian border holding out for British permits .
9 The pro-Gamsakhurdia forces , who organized strikes and demonstrations and a media and transportation blockade of the East , were demoralized by their leader 's failure to make further public appearances , and ultimately lacked the necessary firepower to hold out against superior forces .
10 I am convinced that the prospect held out at Maastricht will not be the prospect that we shall have at the end of the 1990s .
11 Only Rugby Union holds out against the commercial tide despite widespread speculation about covert payments to players .
12 But the English Commissioners and English Government held out for an incorporating union , and prevailed .
13 For nearly three years , from July 1936 to March 1939 , the elected Spanish Government held out against Franco 's fascist rebellion .
14 At the barrier he was first in the queue , his Triple-A pass held out for inspection .
15 The Crown Princess angrily seized a book held out by one of the other staff at the library .
16 He was ready now , and had his hand held out for the instrument , lightly brushing her fingers accidentally as she passed it to him .
17 IN THE FADING sepia postcards on sale in the antiquarian shop in Makhoul Street , General Henri Gouraud appears as a stiff little figure in a dark kepi , his right hand held out to a British officer .
18 Eventually it seemed it was only I who ever thought about that still , cold morning , recalling in my dreams that cry and that hand held out to me for help I could not , would not give , and the silence that followed Andy disappearing under the ice .
19 Her feet felt like leaden weights , but she eventually managed to take a step , and then another , one hand held out in front of her to feel for the bed .
20 I was never sure about their ability to hold out against physically stronger packs , but they have proved me wrong time and again with Paul Arnold and Richard Moriarty back to their best .
21 But still she doubted her ability to hold out against him .
22 The pro-English party must have realised , however , that neither they nor their masters in London were in a position to hold out for long .
23 They stood aside to make way for a blind Indian youth in a parka who was confidently striding down the way with his cane held out before him .
24 What is important to highlight at this juncture is the attraction that such a possibility held out for the intellectual workers of the time .
25 What 's the point ? she thought , drinking the fragrant tea that the nurse held out to her .
26 This time when he slid the door back , she moved towards him , as if expecting him to let her pass , beginning to tell him about the incident at the Dragon Cloud , the wicker basket of leftovers from the teahouse held out before her .
27 As long as the money held out for her , that was enough .
28 Helping women to stay at home yet giving them an occupation , some money and a branch held out towards the wider community were all worthy goals in Laura 's eyes .
29 I start to run again , back the way I 've just come , the branch held out in front of me in both hands .
30 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
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