Example sentences of "[noun sg] find [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Look at the alphabet semaphore chart to find out where to place your flags .
2 Until fairly recently , translations from Horace were not designed to serve the simple informative purpose of telling an inquisitive reader what Horace 's writing was like , what sort of thing might be found in his poems , and whether it might be worth learning a little Latin to find out more .
3 JACKIE NEWTON spent a night at the camp to find out why Women Against Pit Closures refuse to accept defeat .
4 JACKIE NEWTON spent a night at the camp to find out why Women Against Pit Closures Billy was among six miners who refused to sign on Friday , and all were made redundant on Monday .
5 I 've heard , the people that are local , just have a run out on a Sunday afternoon to find out where it is .
6 It is often a matter of difficulty to find out exactly what will have to be paid for haulage , toll and wharfage , and this fact increases the office labour in sending out tenders .
7 In your opinion , is there any point in carrying out a census to find out how many paintings , sculptures , and historic buildings there are in Italy ?
8 During the course of er this meeting you will hear from the Chairman and the Honorary Treasurer and we may well cover an enormous amount of the grounds that is relevant to you as commodores , members and officers of the Association and it might be worth , I am going to avoid what he 's trying to avoid most of that area because I believe they cover it in greater detail and give you more of an opportunity to find out precisely what 's been going on .
9 This period of institutional change in these broadly comparable economies provides an unusual opportunity to find out how nationalisation or privatisation actually affects enterprise behaviour and the fulfilment of industrial policy goals .
10 This will be an opportunity to find out more about the course , and how parishes can be more active in helping families to provide mutual help and support to each other in carrying out their vital role in the Church and society .
11 Of course , erm there 's a lot more individual responsibility is needed than that , but it 's too simplistic to say that that erm to smile upon these people who have problems would solve everything erm but erm to make it your own responsibility to find out more and to find out the ways in which you can help I think is very important and is everybody 's responsibility .
12 EVERY death in asthma patients is to be studied in an attempt to find out why the number of deaths is rising despite the apparently excellent treatments , doctors announced yesterday .
13 Although many elements of that model still exist today , there is also quite widespread dissatisfaction with it , and there has been some attempt to find out why , and to modify these elements .
14 However , there has so far been virtually no attempt to find out either how significant such policies are amongst leading firms or whether some are more prevalent than others .
15 I am taking a lesson in Class 6 in a school half-way up a mountain in an attempt to find out how well the children understand their English reader .
16 Animal welfare officers plan to examine the body in a bid to find out how the dog died .
17 It may be a good idea to telephone the agent to find out how much they propose to charge .
18 ‘ It tells me nothing about my children , and I should n't have to keep contacting the Social Work Department to find out how they are .
19 Could new staff spend time in each department to find out how the CIB really works ?
20 Stoves conduct exhaustive in-depth research to find out exactly what customers want from their cookers .
21 London Underground is spending £100,000 on research to find out why so many of us like to toss ourselves on the rails .
22 The report urged research to find out why delays in Britain were so long .
23 Since then , numbers had dropped markedly and they conducted some research to find out how this had happened .
24 Mr Donnelly , consultant surgeon at Liverpool 's Cardiothoracic Centre , has told of his hopes for a three-year study to find out why Merseyside has become the lung cancer capital of the world .
25 The investigators knew that within an hour or so of their arrival at the accident site , but they had to work for another year and a half to find out why :
26 Sun found out immediately before it was due to announce the new boxes that it would not be able to deliver four-processor TAB-packaged 50MHz SuperSparc modules in volumes by this summer .
27 Sun found out immediately before it was due to announce the new boxes that it would not be able to deliver four-processor TAB-packaged 50MHz SuperSparc modules in volumes by this summer .
28 Interview the child to find out why he or she behaves badly .
29 In both cases I recorded the results through a Fostex desk to find out how the Power Tool translates these sounds to tape .
30 In approximately half of the cases , the parent found out more directly : either the user told his or her parents , usually at a crisis point in the user 's career , for example , when undergoing ‘ turkey ’ during a time of drought ; or the parent found direct evidence of drug use , such as burnt scraps of tin foil , and confronted the user with this .
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