Example sentences of "[noun sg] give [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We must not only abide by a precise form , but also build up the right waves of emotion to give it full human significance .
2 The singer was following an old tradition of adapting the ceremony to give it contemporary relevance , adding to the festival 's famous ‘ four questions ’ about the meaning of Passover a new and troubling one .
3 MORE than 1,000 Maxwell pensioners and print workers yesterday staged a rally and lobby of Parliament to step up their campaign for Government action to give them long-term security for their pensions .
4 It is a perverse practice to give us absurd , and even offensive , details that we do n't need , while omitting the crucial detail that we do .
5 Apart from the counties a number of urban areas had grown up and many of these had been granted Charters of Incorporation giving them varying powers of local administration .
6 The doctors have a word for that misery ; they call it anhedonia , which only means an inability to feel enjoyment , and that 's what it is , but it feels like hell , like true hell , and it 's a hell you ca n't even escape from in sleep because overdosing on cocaine gives you chronic insomnia . ’
7 By-employments such as basket-making , hemp-dressing and wild-fowling gave them additional security .
8 Modern technology is now so sophisticated the microprocessor-based design of the teleprinter gives it enormous power and flexibility .
9 But , gradually , I realised that kinky underwear gives me sexual freedom .
10 Having the car gave me other ideas .
11 The archers have a lighter corselets of scale mail and powerful bows constructed of alternating layers of wood to give them great power and range .
12 With NatWest , you get the valuable option of the NatWest Home Improvement Loan Protector to give you extra peace of mind .
13 Alec Home gave him similar advice .
14 The NatWest Hospital Income Plan gives you real financial security when you or a member of your family are hospitalised — and at a very affordable premium .
15 The works of his so-called ‘ pink ’ and ‘ blue ’ periods were being bought by important collectors , and the fact that an established dealer like Vollard was interested in his work gave him additional prestige .
16 Their praises and flattery gives you new heart and helps you feel top of the world on Sunday .
17 It is failing to make it clear to parents that the law gives them full rights to withdraw their children from religious instruction and religious observance .
18 ‘ The Opera London production of A Midsummer Night 's Dream gave me great pleasure , Noye 's Fludde too . ’
19 The addition of oboes to a high melodic cello passage gives it great poignancy , and at the same time counteracts the tendency towards thinness of tone which is apt to be somewhat distressing unless the cellos are both first-rate and numerous .
20 Land was the basis of Lowther 's county and parliamentary position ; the law gave him added influence and opportunity .
21 Like a twat I decided that attack was the best way of preserving my job , and so I demanded that the board give me complete control over team selection , tactics , welfare etc. , with no boardroom interference whatsoever .
22 ‘ Does your job give you total satisfaction ? ’
23 " Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his goodness to give you safe deliverance , and to preserve you in the great danger of childbirth ; you shall therefore give hearty thanks unto God … "
24 With this weekend 's match against Paisley now rendered meaningless , Stokes is likely to promote at least a couple of players from the advanced training group to give them national league experience .
25 Dell has renegotiated an existing $200m revolving line of credit with a group of nine large banks led by Barclays Bank Plc to give it additional flexibility in using the funds .
26 Bellini is soft to the touch , versatile and easy to wear , it is a blend of 45% Alpaca , 38% Pure Wool , 10% Kid Mohair with 7% man made fibre to give it extra strength and durability .
27 I should mention that if for any reason we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
28 I should mention that if , for any reason , we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
29 I should mention that if , for any reason , we did not go ahead or had to withdraw from publication , we reserve the right to give you adequate notice of our intention .
30 Some animals have a red spot over the eye giving them good protection from sunburn and eye cancer in warmer climates , and the mossy , curly coat , which gives such good insulation in temperate regions , is replaced by a smooth coat in hotter parts of the world .
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