Example sentences of "[noun sg] come [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They told me that they came from the country near Lagrimone and that they had obtained permission to come to pray in the Santuario for their cousin who was fighting in Russia .
2 At some point during this silent debate Summerchild came walking up the lane .
3 With Mario , you felt that if you were walking through the wilds and a bear came bellowing from behind a tree , Mario would seize its paw , shake it vigorously and tell it a good story .
4 The wind came howling down the street full of rain and incipient snow .
5 The wind came whipping off the moor and bent the cypresses as if they were blades of grass .
6 ‘ In the midst of the conversation at his house in the wooded hills of Northern Virginia ’ , she recorded , ‘ a neighbour 's horse came galloping down the road , riderless .
7 Then all of a sudden this car came hurtling round the corner with no lights on .
8 He was just walking back to the house when the patrol car came storming up the drive , etching his shadow on the wall .
9 There was a swish of skis and a figure came hurtling past the hut , executed a brilliant turn in a flurry of snow and disappeared over the shoulder of the mountain .
10 The gate to a tiny courtyard was open and , for an instant , Lindsey hung back , watching in rapt fascination as a dark-haired , slender figure came hurrying down the steps towards them , cloth in hand , and flung herself into Niall 's arms .
11 Imagine our surprise at the start of this season when this fresh-faced , super-fit figure came striding across the Loughborough training pitch .
12 With some telepathy at work , his questing glance came to rest in the exact square of window in which her face appeared .
13 She blushed as the young soldier came to speak to her .
14 A Protestant churchman came to talk to her .
15 These sentiments remained with him until the morning light came shining through the windows .
16 Stopping at last to move the full bucket and reach for another , Jinny heard a car come bumping up the track towards the farm .
17 Collins ushered Patrick and Jane back out onto the street — just in time to see the car come chuffing around the corner .
18 Any junkie or Bowery red-eye comes limping down the street , then five sombre fatboys with baseball bats and axe-handles stride out of the nearest trattoria .
20 When rock comes to rest under the influence of gravity it just stays there .
21 We 're just gon na put a sling on for you , and if the blood comes pumping through that what will I do ?
22 Twice a month the fat lawyer whom I think of as the Agent comes to visit in his sweaty suit .
23 In many respects the Glorious Revolution was a significant landmark : it did alter in certain ways the relationship between the Crown and Parliament , it did guarantee the legislative sovereignty of Parliament , it did establish some limited degree of religious toleration for Protestant Dissenters , and the fact that after 1689 Parliament came to meet on a regular basis each year did significantly alter the context in which politics operated .
24 Sir Wilfred Grenfell of Labrador came to speak at the White Rock Pavilion , Hastings , at his request .
25 Fleury , too , continued to grieve for her and was now composing a poem in which her little ghost came tripping along the ramparts sniffing flowers , unperturbed by the flying cannon balls ( it was not a very good poem ) .
26 Before we went home , Brown Owl came to talk to Mum and Dad and she bent down and said ‘ Hello ’ to Natalie too .
27 For all these reasons multi-employer bargaining came to predominate in non-manufacturing industries and , more exceptionally , elsewhere in the concentrated industries of basic steel and the railways where government intervention seems to have been a decisive factor in shaping the bargaining process ( Livernash , 1963 ) .
28 However , with the growth in emphasis on the importance of what is called " affective devotion " — that is , experienced , rather than intellectual , knowledge of the faith — meditation came to refer to an exercise not necessarily based directly on Scripture but designed to stir the will by an intense appeal to the emotions through meditations on the manhood of Christ .
29 I lay on my back and tiredness came spinning towards me in widening circles as the white beach and whiskery grasses had come spinning towards me out of the night .
30 At last a pick-up truck came bumping up the track , containing Giovanna 's fat and apparently unsatisfactory husband and a detachment of villagers , including the old men , Molly was sure , who had sat on the wall by the petrol pumps mocking her .
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