Example sentences of "[noun sg] see [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All day long she had wondered how he had managed to bamboozle his way into a consultancy , but first the calm , unflappable way he had dealt with Steve and now here , with the devastated relatives , Kathleen had an opportunity to see at first hand the qualities that set him apart as a consultant .
2 It has been established that glutamine is an important food for many rapidly dividing cells , and the increased rate of glutamine utilisation in UC probably relates to the increased rate of proliferation seen in this condition .
3 It is interesting to not that the values achieved in 1989 were broadly at about three times the turnover seen in these outlets , whereas today , a multiplier of approximately one , to one and a quarter times turnover , is far more appropriate .
4 The effect on bile secretion seen after intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide Y in these studies may therefore be the result of neuropeptide Y binding to receptors that are responsible for releasing cephalic phase secretion .
5 To summarise , the observations reported in this study and in that of Brunsson clearly indicate that ENS plays an important role in the fluid secretion seen in intestinal inflammation .
6 Thus H pylori infection combined with active ulceration may cause the increased basal acid secretion seen in duodenal ulcer disease .
7 This hypergastrinaemia may account for the increased acid secretion seen in some duodenal ulcer patients and may be one mechanism whereby H pylori contributes to the ulcer diathesis .
8 Based on these findings Dicke concluded in 1950 in his thesis that wheat flour but not well purified wheat starch ( amylum ) and also rye flour were the causes of the anorexia , the increased faecal output , and the streatorrhoea seen in these patients .
9 Figure 1 shows the strong nuclear staining seen in one of these adenomas .
10 The most abundant species , which we interpret as the C/EBPδ homodimer , co-migrates with the IL-6 induced complex seen in untransfected cells .
11 It could have been caused by extensive lava flows or by a more extreme form of the sort of surface plasticity seen in many of the oldest surviving features .
12 The result was the biggest administrative programme seen since 817 – 18 .
13 As the latent inhibition effect seen at 4 h after lengthy pre-exposure is supposed to enjoy the benefit of contributions from both the short-term mechanism and from the context — stimulus association , this effect should be especially strong .
14 The sensitivity to contextual manipulations of the latent inhibition produced by lengthy exposure is certainly consistent with the suggestion that a context-stimulus association is responsible for the effect seen at 24 h and contributes to that seen at 4 h .
15 As luminal SCFA maintain normal colonic absorption in acute diarrhoea , the decrease seen in faecal SCFA output may be of clinical significance .
16 It is the second commonest condition seen in gay men ( after PCP ) and , of all people with AIDS , is ten times more likely to occur in gay men .
17 In some instances this growth was clearly evident in the office building boom seen in many city centres , but a large part of the commercial , housing , retail and industrial development was located in much smaller towns , often some distance away from the larger conurbations .
18 This selection of winning tools includes a 20in Short cut saw for each runner up .
19 The Great Killer saw to that .
20 coming off at the trunk see like that
21 No significant difference was found in the maximum change seen for any of the measures on the four study days ( table I ) .
22 This was the configuration of the rectal CSA change seen in all the balloon inflations .
23 The loss of sudomotor function seen in constipated patients in this study would at first indicate a degree of impairment of the sympathetic nervous system which would result in the loss of inhibitory tone on gut smooth muscle .
24 The manometry tracings of spontaneous ileal motility seen in this study closely resembled the in vivo patterns of small bowel motility described by other authors .
25 I got a bloke to see about some business . ’
26 It would be premature to conclude , however , that the transfer seen in such an experiment depends on the acquisition of distinctiveness by the critical cues as a consequence of phase-one discrimination training .
27 Archy Kirkwood , the Liberal Democrat MP for Roxburgh and Berwickshire , said some of the worst aspects of adversarial management seen in English trusts were being imported north of the Border .
28 A Wessex village seen through 350 years of snapshot history .
29 Therefore , the central domain might provide the protein with the ability to form the tetrameric self-aggregate seen with native HeLa TFIIF ( 24 ) .
30 As well as getting his Church window seen by millions , there 's an extra Christmas present for the vicar of Saint Mary 's .
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