Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [vb base] their " in BNC.

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1 Similar arguments for the need for flexibility were given by employers in the entertainments industry who recruit their seasonal staff on open-ended contracts and , more particularly , by employers In the holiday camps sector .
2 Well during this programme I 'll be talking with a number of people who are involved in the industry who have their fingers on the pulse of what is commonly known as the tourist industry .
3 One of the organisers said that each of the surrounding villages has a committee who organise their own band competition and offer prizes .
4 It might be the place where the young of the West come to be seen , but it is the old guard who hold their ground , the poets and writers , pamphleteers and musicians who leave their mark on the atmosphere of this enchanted city .
5 Whereas Ollie happens to have spotted that nowadays there is no such thing as a short-cut in London : all the back roads are dogged up by master cartologists such as Stu , petrol-pinching aficionados of kink and gully who spin their Oldsmobile Mantras into canny U-turns like instructors on the skid-rink .
6 The company has a major share of the broiler feed market in the SE region thanks to the commitment of the regional poultry team who ensure their customers needs are met as economically as possible .
7 b To provide the carer with a weekly contact with a specialist group who understand their problems and needs .
8 And erm a lot of them are retired business men , or , or people still , people in business who give their time freely to it .
9 I do n't think there will ever be another band who assail their songs quite like Jane 's Addiction , or that will find such fluid precision at the same vertigos of intensity .
10 John 's already stolen my thunder on the straw poll erm that I was going to do but suffice to say that we normally do that at these types of seminars and there 's always a few people in the room who put their hands up and say they 've got more than ten data sources in their organization .
11 I have a personal contact with Children 's Aid , a registered charity who concentrate their efforts in placing orphans from the streets of Brazil with loving families in Portugal .
12 ‘ There are those in the licensed trade who see their role in life as dispensing beer , but their real job is to dispense atmosphere , ’ he said .
13 Congratulations and God 's blessing on the children of the parish who make their First Holy Communion this week .
14 Handing them over to people outside government who know their local community has been a quantum leap in the delivery of Government policies in the important areas of training and skills .
15 Investors have their capital tied up and at risk ; senior managers have their livings and ulcers tied up in it ; but we must not forget the men on the shop floor who have their lives and self-respect tied up in it too . ’
16 In these countries unionisation emphasises the ( collective ) situation of employees as sellers of labour power , counteracting the bargaining strength of the owners of capital who direct their labour .
17 Naturally this enforcement pattern could be justified by the inspectorate who see their primary function not as a kind of industrial police force , but more of a pastoral mission rounding up wayward factory owners and showing them the light and contentment to be gained from compliance with current standards of safety , health , and welfare required by law .
18 Japanese who admit their country was wrong in its aggressions of 1930–45 nonetheless point out that in part they were trying to rescue Asia from western colonialism .
19 Significantly , Kammerer goes on to add : ‘ Later on , … the results improve : in successive generations the mortality of water-eggs is hardly greater than that of other anura who depose their eggs normally in water ’ ( my italics ) .
20 There is , he suggested , ‘ the increasing necessity to make painful moral choices in the care of the dying elderly as a class , particularly among that growing number who end their days incompetent , incontinent , and grossly incapacitated , more dead than alive . ’
21 In particular , the significance of the small number who say their work has been deskilled is open to question .
22 ‘ There are a significant number who think their vote goes into a national pool and do not appreciate how voting by constituencies works .
23 The committee appeal to all members of the public who walk their dogs in this area to try to prevent their dogs from fouling the actual pitch , and if they do , to please remove it !
24 Last year 's Budget gave tax relief on training fees — a boost to the 250,000 people a year who finance their own training .
25 CARMEL , acclaimed jazzy trio who issue their new single ‘ You 're All I Need ’ next Monday , play a one-off show at London 's Victoria Palace Theatre on September 6 .
26 A retired couple who claim their home has been blighted by plans to build a by-pass have lost their battle for compensation .
27 A woman with a vacuum cleaner whose tube I fell over , the man who sold me withered flowers , even the couple who let their dog foul outside the gate were all candidates for a warm hug and a deluge of good wishes .
28 In the cities , where competition is intense , to be seen to be involved with clients at the top of the commercial ( and to a lesser degree social ) tree , publicity will take very different forms , but whether it comprises the full page recruitment advertisement or a high ranking in some statistical table devised by the editors of a legal journal , a bigger than average spread in a legal directory or an article by one of its partners explaining some development unique to the firm , the message will be the same : we are professional people of the highest calibre who run their practice efficiently and with success ; we have earned the respect of our fellow professionals and the esteem of our clients who are themselves of comparable stature to ourselves .
29 Surely , she told herself , there was nothing unusual about a family who let their house and left no address .
30 As a family pet , the King Charles is ideal , particularly for a ‘ caring ’ family who want their dog to be a fully integrated member .
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