Example sentences of "[noun sg] make he the " in BNC.

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1 Faldo took his 1992 winnings to a world record £1.5m , while Norman 's only consolation was that the £190,234 runner's-up cheque made him the first player in history to breech the $10 million barrier in career earnings .
2 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
3 If she were interested in such a campaign , she could perhaps use as the model for it our own dear Speaker , whose radiant health and youthfulness make him the perfect epitome of a diet based on vegetarianism .
4 He was never equal to Self in Citrine 's esteem , and he remained jealous of intervention by Self in matters of engineering and the development of policy on the generation side , for which his background and experience made him the natural senior voice among other engineers and managers .
5 His sparse blond hair was dark with sweat , and his surprised blue eyes and hangdog look made him the most unlikely royal messenger Corbett had ever seen .
6 He was immediately dispatched to the scene , where his energy , intelligence and presence of mind made him the chief decision-taker in the first days after the explosion of reactor number four .
7 He designed for others ( costumes for Diaghilev and embroidery for Schiaparelli ) , but he also ‘ designed ’ himself ; his unquenchable desire for fame and his talent for self-publicity made him the most photographed man in Paris .
8 An administrative receiver might be considered to be the agent of those who appointed him but this is not the case ; section 44 of the 1986 Act makes him the agent of the company .
9 In old age he maintained a relish for life in defiance of tribulations and failing health , and his geniality and goodness made him the centre of a circle of faithful friends and admirers .
10 Perhaps his most inspired piece is the saga of Cosmo , the fairly accurate knife thrower , whose failure to see the point makes him the sharpest act in town .
11 KEITH RAMSEY 'S match-winning shot for Manchester Giants in the 105-104 victory over Sunderland 76ers on Tuesday night made him the toast of the Stretford Sports Centre , particularly as all of their supporters had been confined to the bar .
12 On one side is the spineless Bishop Barrantes , representing the worst aspects of the Church 's mugwumpery and corruption ; on the other is Father Maby , confidant of Elena and friend to the poor and displaced in his jungle retreat ; his work is less glamorous than the revolutionary 's , but his wisdom and gentleness make him the unexpected hero of the novel .
13 Kenneth Horne 's rich , fruity voice and warm patrician manner made him the ideal link man and that , coupled with a mischievous sense of humour , ensured that any programme in which he was involved was the better for his presence .
14 The State made him the ecclesiastical head of the Church of England by trampling on the opinions of the relevant ecclesiastical authority .
15 The king 's favour made him the special target of the reforming Ordainers , who in 1311 called for the exclusion from court of both Henry and Isabella , the resumption of his grants from the king , and the transference of the custody of Man to ‘ a good Englishman ’ ( a phrase which reveals one reason for his unpopularity ) .
16 Mr Portillo 's promotion makes him the youngest Cabinet minister since Dr David Owen was appointed Foreign Secretary under Labour .
17 His extrovert personality made him the ideal host at the company 's restaurants .
18 ( George 's conviction made him the first high-ranking member of the CIA ever to be convicted of felony offences while conducting official duties . )
19 East Germany 's ringing endorsement of his plan for speedy German unity makes him the strongest contender to lead the strongest power in non-communist Europe .
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