Example sentences of "[noun sg] or the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Persuading trout to rise has nothing whatsoever to do with weather conditions , casting technique or the selection of flies .
2 A dividend is usually paid as a percentage of the consolidated profits of Newco , but a number of points require consideration in determining how " profit " should be interpreted : ( i ) should the dividend be based on pre- or post-tax profits ( ii ) should the calculation of profit take into account any transfer or proposed transfer to reserves or to general provisions ? ( iii ) should profit include pre- or post-extraordinary items ? ( iv ) how should goodwill be treated ? ( v ) should directors ' emoluments in excess of an amount agreed with the investors be added back ? ( vi ) should profit be defined before payment or the provision for payment of dividends ?
3 The act must have been done at the promisors ’ request : the parties must have understood that the act was to be remunerated either by a payment or the conferment of some other benefit : and payment , or the conferment of a benefit , must have been legally enforceable had it been promised in advance .
4 Section 120(3) makes it an offence for a promoter or participant to receive any payment or the benefit of any payments which some other participant is induced to make by reason that the prospect is held out to him of receiving payments or other benefits for introducing other persons into the scheme .
5 ‘ Rule I : Where there is an unconditional contract for the sale of specific goods , in a deliverable state , the property in the goods passes to the buyer when the contract is made , and it is immaterial whether the time of payment or the time of delivery or both be postponed . ’
6 We now come to the closing words of Rule 1 , ‘ it is immaterial whether the time of payment or the time of delivery , or both , be postponed . ’
7 It 's the very essence of human beings to call in question every form of life , every form of thought , and to raise the possibility of thinking and living in some other way , and perhaps just for this very reason , some final and definitive formulation of the , of human nature , of human knowledge , of human conduct , is in principle unobtainable , and that the best that the philosopher can ever hope to do , is to show that this formulation , that formulation or the other wo n't work .
8 Some methods of achieving this knowledge automatically are available but they are less reliable than methods based on field-work or the study of air photographs , maps and documentary records for the area concerned .
9 ‘ without being displayed in such a manner as to be clearly visible to other persons using the road from within a reasonable distance from the front and back of the vehicle ’ This element means that the ‘ L ’ plate must be unobscured , straight , as near to vehicle as possible and not wrapped around the forks of the motor bike or the bumper bar of a car etc .
10 Guests staying in either the main building or the annexe , just 15 yards away , can expect a comfortable bedroom with telephone and , for a small extra fee , satellite TV can be installed .
11 Clearly , however , it remains significant to discover the extent of physical disturbance of the building or the land involved in the removal of the object .
12 Such preservation will be most likely where particular programs were run to determine the structural stability or the environmental efficiency of a building or the individual or institution commissioning the structure had been asked to accept a particular design after a ‘ virtual visit to or walk around of ’ the planned building .
13 Why not begin , I thought nervously , with a visit to the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty ?
14 Much of this work has to be done ‘ on the spot ’ , i.e. where the building or the beneficiary is .
15 He declared that if either Protection or the capital levy were submitted to the Commons , they would be defeated by a majority of more than 200 .
16 Rashes , itching and irritation can be due to heat , inadequate UVA protection or the ingredients in some suncare products .
17 The watch or the strap ?
18 The elderly could not sustain the more strenuous manual work in agriculture or the crafts .
19 Economics textbooks may still hold to the notion of ‘ work ’ as paid employment and deny the importance of unpaid women 's work ( in agriculture or the home ) in their theories and explanations and their insistence that most countries have moved to a ‘ monetary economy ’ .
20 Before anyone applies for a grant from the Social Fund they should check what money is in the estate of the person who has died , such as in bank or building society accounts ; whether there will be any money from insurance policies or charities , friends or relatives ( either of the person claiming the grant or the person who has died ) ; and any savings that the person claiming has over £500 .
21 Options will be granted under seal and will be exercisable within a period of ten years and will entitle the recipients to acquire ordinary shares in the Company at a price determined by the Committee , being not less than the average of the middle market quotations for such shares as derived from the Daily Official List of The Stock Exchange for the three dealing days immediately preceding the date of grant or the market value ( as agreed with the Inland Revenue ) of the shares as at the date of grant ( or , in the case of new shares , their nominal value if greater ) .
22 Remember to put something at the bottom of the downpipe if it discharges over an open gully in order to catch whatever is blocking it , or else you might block the gully or the drains further along .
23 Designed for the heavier runner or the runner with a pronation problem , the Endeavour is a stable training shoe with a studded outersole , suitable for the road or country .
24 During the toddler period some children 's awareness and motivation outstrips their co-ordination and so anger at not being able to get the doll 's arm into the jumper or the man into the fire engine can suddenly cause the child to scream in frustration and throw the toy across the room .
25 He knows too that there are activities in which he is most intelligent when he is most spontaneous , in which to think may even be dangerous ; the ski jumper or the tightrope walker can not afford to hesitate and reflect .
26 Anyone who has ever taken anti-histamines to relieve an allergy or the symptoms of hay fever will know that such tablets often cause drowsiness and a inability to think as clearly as usual .
27 9.1 shall initially decide whether or not proceedings shall be brought against third parties , and shall name the conduct of any such proceedings , where these are based upon infringement or the Trade Marks or 's copyright or other intellectual property rights in the Work or the Converted Text or the Work .
28 This article attempts to provide some explanations for how readers of the play text or the audience of the dramatic performance are able to recognise character traits , and how these traits are themselves affected by the action of the play .
29 And because the signals inside the television are in digits , it is of no consequence to the circuits whether the input is the US standard 525-line or the European 625 lines .
30 Covered by the actus reus are the unauthorised use of a photocopier or the employer 's phone for private calls , unless impliedly permitted .
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