Example sentences of "[noun sg] show the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The drawing shows the main components :
2 The drawing shows the main design points for a single-stack system and the connections which may be made Detailed requirements are given in BS5572 : Code of Practice for Sanitary Pipework .
3 Sadly , the poem inside the card showed the real object of his affections :
4 The figure shows the prospective risk of stillbirth at 23–42 weeks ' gestation for all births in Japan and the cumulative percentage of stillbirths .
5 The Figure shows the typical histological picture of a Dieulafoy lesion .
6 The Figure shows the mean height velocity during each year according to severity of gastrointestinal symptoms .
7 The Figure shows the systemic endotoxin concentrations plotted against colon macroscopic score for the disease control group ( water ) and the combined terra fullonica groups ( 25 and 35 mg trinitro benzene sulphonic acid/ethanol ) .
8 The Figure shows the individual labelling indices for compartment 3 and 4+5 for the-two subgroups of polyp patients .
9 The figure shows the key structures of the renal filtration barrier .
10 This figure shows the top face of the box B ; trajectories started within ABCD return to the lower shaded region , RB'C " , and trajectories started within ADEF return to the upper shaded region LE'F " .
11 The Figure shows the duodenal global histological scores .
12 The figure shows the cumulative number of these infants placed to sleep prone .
13 The Roman stage remains in ruined form and has curtailed the orchestra to a semi-circle , but the seating of the auditorium shows the Greek plan carved out of the hillside ( 125 ) .
14 ‘ Our research shows the vast majority of clubs want to retain an element of terracing .
15 The upper trace shows the synaptic current induced by the tetanus , recorded through a patch-pipette .
16 For Shumiatski the famous scene in Modern Times in which Chaplin accidentally finds himself leading a Socialist demonstration showed the comedian remaining ‘ true to himself ’ for ‘ he is lonely — his path has nothing in common with the path of the masses — it is the path of the external failure ’ .
17 We have seen that a balanced chemical equation shows the relative amounts of reactants and products , measured in moles , involved in a reaction .
18 The Leefe Robinson commemorative shows the flaming airship , ‘ The end of the baby killer ’ and fetches a top price of £20-£30 .
19 Jejunal biopsy showed the typical features of Whipple 's disease , with PAS positive macrophages ( Fig 3 ) .
20 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography showed the cystic duct and the ductus choledochus to be free of stones .
21 A true map of the London Underground shows the central complex as a shape suggestive of a swimming dolphin , its snout being Aldgate , its forehead Old Street , the crown of its head King 's Cross , its spine Paddington , White City and Acton , its tail Ealing Broadway and its underbelly the stations of Kensington .
22 Darlington Transport Company decided to axe its three-bus-an-hour 11a route from February 24 after research showed the average number of passengers was three .
23 A contemporary photograph shows the young Vietnamese addressing elderly bearded French Socialists : paying no attention at all .
24 The photograph shows the completed underside of the pitch panel .
25 Our study shows the long term spontaneous resolution of severe glue ear in children .
26 The Farrier and Naturalist for 1828 has a frontispiece showing the Royal Veterinary College .
27 A map of the naval dockyard used by the company — bearing the names of Scottish Enterprise and Locate in Scotland , the Government 's inward investment arm — includes a key showing the proposed location of a passenger terminal , car park and customs inspection building .
28 After his good showing the previous autumn Nathan was coming too .
29 The figures from the 1910 German census show the ethnic and linguistic complexity of the Corridor in some detail : in Pomerania as a whole there were 919,102 Germans , 555,337 Poles , 106,598 Kaszubes and 20,456 Bilingual people .
30 And even she had to admit that what she 'd seen the Prince show the old woman had seemed to be genuine respect and affection —
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