Example sentences of "[noun sg] might [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Whatever reasons an intellectual might have for joining the French communist party , whether they be ideological , moral or emotional , this original commitment , as Merleau-Ponty wryly remarks , is inexorably transformed by the pressure of historical events into a commitment of an entirely different nature .
2 Mrs Geary paused , as a musician might pause for a climax , while the water in her saucepan regained its just heat .
3 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
4 If the offer is accepted , the estate agent might ask for a deposit as a commitment but you are not obliged to hand this over .
5 It is logical to ask whether attenuation of soft X-rays in such a wind might account for the dividing line .
6 Business Monitor : Management backing the Union Andrew Griffiths looks north of the border and towards what the future might hold for Scotland
7 All she really wanted , if she could not be in his presence , was to be left alone so that she could recall and relive in her mind every moment of that morning 's encounter , and dream about what the future might hold for her .
8 As they talked about the war years and about what the future might hold for them both , Julia found herself liking Felicity more and more , although she was astonished at the freedom with which Felicity was prepared to confide in her about everything except her work during the war .
9 Jane had been hurt by her parents ' occasional references to her in newspaper interviews as being a ‘ difficult child ’ or other remarks prompted only by Laura 's nagging worries about what the future might hold for Jane .
10 Charlie picked up rumours and counter-rumours of what the future might hold for them .
11 A 70cl bottle of blended Scotch Whisky might sell for £10.80 in Britain .
12 I date say a cheap day return from British Rail might account for a lot of it , but the rest is speculation .
13 I just wonder whether the Chairman might ask for another verdict and then if that 's tied it will have to go up before Council . .
14 The time set for one of the days is midnight , but it is not clear how long the Committee might sit for the first six days .
15 Care must be taken in interpreting Fig. 3 b because the CTD stations at the eastern end were not worked in the same location ( Fig. 1 ) , and some effect from the different topography might account for the eddy-like structure seen between 15–28°W .
16 Much work might remain for the clergy both in imposing a code of Christian morals , and in determining where the line was to run between what could and what could not form a respectable part of the Christian life .
17 Or they could be afraid of the implications girls ' work might have for their own work .
18 THE Queen might last for a considerable time but people are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more .
19 Eric 's return might call for all my reactions and powers to be at their peak of efficiency .
20 This was interpreted as constituting an indirect rejection of one passage in a report on the Western Sahara presented by Boutros-Ghali at the beginning of June in which the parties were given until Aug. 30 to reach an accord , failing which , it said , the Security Council might look for a different approach .
21 On the basis of its fauna , the area in question might qualify for protection as a nature reserve , if not for designation as a site of special scientific interest .
22 Mary Kaldor and Neal Ascherson look at what the Gulf war might mean for the new world order .
23 Now we can examine how a cash basis might account for the minibus , more specifically how a government 's cash basis might .
24 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
25 Labour leader John Smith told Mr Major : ‘ I am sure that the whole House will share the feeling of sadness which you have expressed and will also share the hope that a greater degree of privacy might result for the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children in what would be a difficult time for any family . ’
26 It was n't the kind of situation a husband might relish for example . ’
27 The majority held that the case could be decided upon the narrow ground that the action for enticement should be extended beyond the strict relation of master and servant to embrace other contracts for personal services , but support was also given in varying degrees to a broader proposition that a plaintiff might sue for the knowing violation of the security of any type of contractual right .
28 Faced with a new branch of nationwide chain opening up in the next street leading to falling sales at one 's own bookshop , a bookseller might go for interviews with customers leaving the new store .
29 But it is still true that most members of the professions , accountancy , the law and banking , to whom people intending to start a business might turn for advice on how to constitute or finance it , will propose a company incorporated under the Companies Acts , or perhaps a partnership .
30 But for those who came from the youth system OR came as youngsters/inexperienced — they do nt get that money , and one day might ask for a move just to get that one lump sum .
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