Example sentences of "[noun sg] from a few " in BNC.

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1 As for Oxford in the next round — a chance to avenge that awful 4–1 League cup defeat from a few years back once and for all .
2 The regime of the vine and olive is restricted to a zone varying in width from a few hundred metres under Velebit to 30 km ( 18 miles ) near Zadar .
3 Imagine an African peasant farmer trying to scratch a living from a few unyielding hectares .
4 However , Gibson had no experience on the Mossie and would have benefited a great deal from a few hours with the PFF Mossie Unit at Warboys — perhaps a couple of low-level bombing attacks on our bombing range .
5 The duration of obstructive symptoms varied widely with a range from a few weeks to several years .
6 The continental shelf and deeper sea-bed beyond , to a distance of 300–600km from the shore , have a covering of fine grey glacial mud , forming a layer that varies in thickness from a few metres over active areas of sea-floor spreading to 200km or more in older , more stable regions .
7 But at times last season I felt it took second place from a few other clubs . ’
8 Would he ever have got to the Olympics if every time he went to train at his local track he got swamped by the waste from a few thousand local toilets ?
9 ‘ I 'm so sad that I missed you , ’ Lubor Ondrus said soulfully , explaining , ‘ I returned only last evening from a few days ’ holiday . ’
10 The metropolis also houses a host of smaller patches of urban wasteland from a few hundred square metres to several hectares .
11 Stonegate Teddy Bears stocks hundreds of different models , ranging in price from a few pounds to around £300 .
12 Flatbed plotters range in price from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds .
13 The palaeontologist is like a detective trying to reconstruct a full story from a few fragmentary clues .
14 It did look terribly empty , such a change from a few hours ago when music had filled the air and swaying bodies had danced and laughed and fooled about .
15 Visually , the body reminds me of a Schecter or Tom Anderson and if it was n't for Aria 's distinctive headstock you 'd be hard pushed to tell this was n't a £1500 guitar from a few feet away .
16 A PART FROM a few dedicated individuals who preferred to do it the ‘ hard way ’ ( we 'll discuss that in a moment ) , the flying of a model helicopter upside down became possible with the introduction of the ‘ invert switch ’ .
17 Mark you , I feel that you have to make the effort to go out there and meet the world … 'cause , part from a few stalwart friends , the world does not come to you ! !
18 It has been too complacent in collecting large sums of money from a few lucrative inventions , such as the cephalosporin antibiotics , and has not taken on enough risky new ventures .
19 But over the years , the government did little except to remove contaminated soil , even though the trail of dioxin was showing contamination from a few to a several hundred PPB .
20 The spread of the habit from a few scattered locations before 1930 to a great many in 1947 was well documented ( Fisher & Hinde , 1949 ; Hinde & Fisher , 1951 ) .
21 If a drug company receives letters of complaint from a few reputable doctors who have prescribed its product , should it then withdraw the product or warn other doctors of the problem ?
22 There might be the very occasional gift for a personal service , but the bottle of beer from a few householders and especially from the publicans was the only obvious economic transaction , and was rarely ennobled as a ‘ payment ’ for services rendered .
23 Now he found a young man from a few doors away was home on leave from the Royal Engineers and spent some of his leave with him and some visiting relations , as men on leave were expected to do .
24 You will remember that : ‘ The speed speechreader wants to know the answer , not how he arrived at it … he pieces together the sense from a few fragments . ’
25 The sea lagoon turned out to vary in depth from a few inches to a couple of feet .
26 Tribes vary in size from a few hundred individuals to many thousands of warriors .
27 The estates varied in size from a few units in piecemeal developments to 30 or 40 plots on well serviced , carefully planned schemes .
28 Azerbaijan has about a third of the world population of mud volcanoes , which range in size from a few metres to several kilometres across the base .
29 It can accommodate simulations of drainage-basins ranging in size from a few hectares to 40 000 square kilometres .
30 Now we are changing the form of exercise but with the same principle of grasping the situation and the message from a few clues .
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