Example sentences of "[noun sg] by the state " in BNC.

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1 The Minister has accepted that investment by the state has assisted miners to achieve records of productivity unmatched by the rest of British industry .
2 Indeed , one way of viewing the Newbolt Report is as the outcome of a bestowal by the state upon a civil association of the right to report and make recommendations on public policy .
3 This was true of the family vendetta , the resort to assassination as a political tactic , the systematic use of torture by the State .
4 The second development in family planning in India was of a very different kind and involved the attempt by the state during the Emergency of 1975/76 to step up the programme .
5 Some historians now view it as an attempt by the state to exercise more effective though subtle control over the lower classes .
6 The business constituency , on the other hand , views much regulation as an unjustifiable intrusion by the State .
7 The difficulties faced by these and by other women with dependent husbands or parents remained as great as before ; neither higher wages nor action by the state came to their rescue .
8 In Barker 's words , ‘ it is Mill who serves , in the years between 1848 and 1880 , as the bridge from laissez-faire to the idea of social readjustment by the State , and from political Radicalism to economic Socialism ’ .
9 Held , dismissing the appeal ( Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle dissenting ) , that although the common law had previously only admitted recovery of money exacted under an unlawful demand by a public authority where the payment had been made under a mistake of fact or under limited categories of compulsion , which did not apply to the payments by the building society , the nature of a demand for tax or similar impost on the citizen by the state , with the perceived economic and social consequences of non-payment stemming from the inequality of the parties ' respective positions , and the unjust enrichment falling on the state where the citizen paid an unlawful demand to avoid those consequences , warranted a reformulation of the law of restitution so as to recognise a prima facie right of recovery based solely on payment of money pursuant to an ultra vires demand by a public authority ; and that , accordingly , since the building society 's claim fell outside the statutory framework governing repayment of overpaid tax , it was entitled at common law to repayment of the sums from the dates of payments and to interest in respect thereof pursuant to section 35A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ( post , pp. 384H , 387D , F–G , 389B , 390F — 391C , E–F , 392E , 396C , 414B–C , F–G , 415E–F , 416A–B , 417B , 418A–C , E–F , 421D–F , G ) .
10 This research will focus on the process of professionalisation among lay practitioners in Britain , examining the ways in which they have organised themselves into associations , attempted to increase their security and status , defined and enforced standards of conduct and training , and ( in some cases ) sought recognition by the state .
11 Memory loss by the state Erlend Clouston reports on the difficulty people like Debbie Finni have in obtaining treatment for brain disorders like the amnesia she suffered four years ago .
12 There really was a time when some thought that trade union leaders were more important than the Prime Minister and the Cabinet ; when families were stopped from buying the council homes they lived in ; when we were taxed more heavily on our incomes and savings than almost anyone else in the developed world ; when many of our most important industries were run at enormous loss by the State .
13 Eugenics had always gone hand in hand with socialism for Haldane — he and his sister , Naomi ( later Mitchison ) , joined both the Oxford Eugenics Society and the Labour party — because , as he explained , biology compels us to recognise that the innate inequality of men requires scientific management by the state .
14 The disclosure by the state and defence departments came as United Nations officials in Sarajevo announced that Serb militiamen had allowed a ten-truck UN relief convoy , halted for days at a checkpoint in eastern Bosnia , to continue towards the encircled town of Gorazde .
15 But in 1986 the governor led a successful campaign by the state 's voters to remove the chief justice , Miss Rose Bird , and her two liberal colleagues .
16 Based on papers submitted for review in camera , Judge Platt felt the government might have a valid claim that the subpoenaed documents were protected from discovery by the state secrets privilege , but counsel for the government seemed unwilling to accept the suggestion .
17 Only on the assumption that public ownership , defined as ownership by the State or by the local authority is in the particular case an overriding need , does the requirement of accountability to the community arise .
18 In short , the ownership by the State of nationalised industries requires accountability to Parliament .
19 Discussion of work by Hugh Latimer and The Tempest considers the managing of anxiety by the state as a means of shaping and fashioning behaviour .
20 Sympathy with the conditions of the poor did not necessarily lead to a desire for reform by the state but for further voluntary action .
21 A former senior Finance Ministry official , Alain Boublil , was charged on Nov. 7 with insider trading in connection with the takeover by the state aluminium corporation Pechiney of American National Can ( ANC ) , a subsidiary of Triangle Industries , in 1988 .
22 What is more surprising , given the amount of pressure that goes into promoting compulsory heterosexuality and married bliss , and given the economic and social penalties imposed on single parenthood by the state , is that , increasingly , women are choosing to bring up children on their own without close relationships with men .
23 render invisible the vast amount of avoidable harm , injury , and deprivation imposed on the ordinary population by the state , transnational and other corporations , and thereby remove the effects of these ‘ crimes ’ from the causal nexus for explaining ‘ conventional crimes ’ committed by ordinary people .
24 Although intervention by the state on a wide and varied front once saved capitalism , there is now a resistance to the state action that is necessary to ensure an economically successful and socially tranquil future .
25 Or are the stereotypes of rape portrayed by the press so narrow and unusual that they hinder the process of effective intervention by the state and others .
26 There is far more economic intervention by the state in most societies of the West , and state employees of one kind or another form a large part of the work-force ( a quarter of all workers in Britain ) .
27 Before he became President of the Board of Trade and before the Royal Commission Reports were published , he advocated a package of social reforms including labour exchanges , training of juvenile labour , decasualization , counter-cyclical intervention by the state in industry and military service to absorb some of the unemployed .
28 Furthermore , the pressure of working-class parties and trade unions has helped to produce a much more substantial intervention by the state in the economy , and this situation , although it can be interpreted from one aspect as the emergence of a new type of ‘ organized ’ or ‘ managed ’ capitalism , does also constitute a degree of protection of working-class interests against the power of capital through the general regulation of economic activity and the provision of an extensive network of social services , however imperfectly this may be done .
29 So you could literally have a situation in which you could live say er er a woman could er live er you know a mile from the state line and in one state er abortion er could be something which ended up with a doctor in prison for life , in another state , across the state line , it could be something which was er you know er provided free of charge by the state public health authorities .
30 I believe that when Milton Friedman defends capitalism as a necessary but not sufficient condition to ensure a free society , it is not capitalism as an ideology to which he refers , but the guarantee by the state to respect private property rights .
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