Example sentences of "[noun sg] by the year " in BNC.

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1 Demographic events have known lead times ; for instance , every person who will be in the American labor force by the year 2000 has already been born .
2 Once formally approved , the targets would come into force by the year 2000 in Western Europe and 2005 in Eastern Europe .
3 Atmospheric concentrations of CFCs are about one-millionth of carbon dioxide levels but their role in the greenhouse effect has increased dramatically in recent decades and they may contribute as much as 30 per cent of the greenhouse effect by the year 2015 .
4 No firm action was taken on methyl bromide , a pesticide used as a fumigant , which has also been found to destroy ozone , and officials merely recommended a freeze on production and consumption at 1992 levels by 1995 , with a 25 per cent cut by the year 2000 .
5 It is one of the world 's fastest growing industries and if it maintains its present rate of growth it will be the world 's biggest industry by the year 2000 — larger even than the oil industry .
6 At the preparatory meeting in Geneva , Scandinavian countries had proposed increasing spending on population control programmes to 4 per cent of all overseas aid by the year 2000 .
7 The message of Opportunity 2000 — the business-led initiative to get more women into top management by the year 2000 is not filtering down to many line managers , according to the campaign 's first year report .
8 The ITTO has pledged to bring all tropical forest under " sustainable " management by the year 2000 .
9 Under current director Nicholas Serota , with his controversial yearly ‘ new hangs ’ , and the additional excitement of the transfer of the Tate 's contemporary collection into a purpose-built museum by the year 2000 , the Tate has become a news-making institution , a factor that wordsearch will have taken into consideration .
10 £350 million needs to be spent by the Council by the year 2000 to ensure that it meets its statutory responsibilities — this is £165 million , or 90% more than the level of investment allocation likely to be approved by the Scottish Office in this period .
11 This means an increase of some 30% in energy consumption by the year 2000 .
12 A tanker ban is only one of a package of measures which may be in place by the year 2000 .
13 To build on the EC 's Association Agreements with Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland so that we can welcome them to full membership by the year 2000 .
14 They 'll also sign a ‘ Plea of People 's ’ petition calling for world governments to cooperate with the United Nations ( UN ) to eradicate basic poverty by the year 2020 ; secure the environment against global warming , ozone depletion ‘ and other grave threats to its health ’ ; to provide enough human , financial and other resources to make sure these aims are met .
15 The 1990 edition of the World Bank 's World Development Report , published on July 16 , called for a new initiative aimed at " lifting 400 million people out of poverty by the year 2000 " .
16 Friends of the Earth are claiming that a survey of local authority recycling schemes proves that , without changes in policy , the government will fail to meet its target of recycling 25 per cent of domestic waste by the year 2000 .
17 Britain 's packaging industry has been given until the end of the year to draw up plans for recycling 50-75 per cent of all packaging waste by the year 2000 .
18 The Government has said it wants to cut the number of smokers from 30 to 20% of the population by the year 2,000 .
19 Commenting on the report , FAO director-general Edouard Saouma said : " Are we going to have enough good land to feed the extra 2.6 billion people who will be on this planet by the year 2025 ? "
20 Projected figures estimate there will be 80 000–100 000 more dependent elderly people in the over-75 age group by the year 2000 , which will increase the problem .
21 Some 47 per cent of Britain is at risk from further damage by acid rain by the year 2005 , according to a report commissioned by Friends of the Earth and prepared by the Earth Resources Research consultancy .
22 The Sierra Club says that a law requiring new cars to use 40 per cent less fuel by the year 2001 would save 2.8 million barrels of oil a day .
23 The proportion of oil will decrease significantly however due to an increase in coal usage to make coal the country 's main fuel by the year 2000 and there will be a huge increase in gas consumption .
24 The prevalence rate of mental disorders — the proportion of the total population affected — is set to increase around the globe by the year 2000 .
25 Jaguar Cars has made two appointments as part of plans to expand its range of vehicles and treble output by the year 2000 .
26 A massive increase in the contribution currently made by renewable sources to Europe 's overall energy needs is required if the Community is to meet its goal of stabilising carbon dioxide output by the year 2000 , according to the European Commission .
27 In an interview with La Repubblica on 24 January Luigi Zanda , Chairman of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova , confirmed that it was still feasible to complete the operations in the Lagoon by the year 2000 provided there were no interruptions in the flow of funds or technical hitches .
28 The report says that consumers can be expected to pay double for water by the year 2000 to cover the cost of cleaning up .
29 Addison Wesley our American college publisher as Michael mentioned th at the half-way stage their sales were eleven percent ahead of er , last year , and you may remember last year they had record sales and record profits and er they 're forecasting er something like fourteen percent a head by the year end in sales terms and they are expecting to maintain their their margins and last year was a very good margin indeed .
30 Looking ahead , the price by the year 2000 was expected to be no more than about $50 per tonne .
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