Example sentences of "[noun sg] by the time " in BNC.

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1 There is also information on where the local topos/guides can be bought ( that is assuming they are still in stock by the time you get there ) .
2 Hankin promised : ‘ I will have eight or nine youngsters in the side by the time we play Exeter in our final match .
3 The Bootle computer notifies the Croydon office if it does not receive notice of an embarkation card by the time the visitor 's time us up .
4 It was like an old dishcloth by the time I was finished .
5 Culley 's throat was dry and itchy by the time Ira Sanchez arrived .
6 The " anarchist Prince " , Petr Kropotkin , who was a boy in the Corps des Pages in the late 1850s and a revolutionary in exile by the time the reign ended , thought Alexander suffered from a split personality : " two different men lived in him , both strongly developed , struggling with each other …
7 He built his first car by the time he was 18. in 1909 he took over the Molsheim factory near Strasbourg and set about developing the greatest racing car in the world .
8 Cheaper than the car by the time you 've paid petrol there and back again .
9 ‘ I already had six years ’ experience of the criminal mind by the time you graduated from the Sorbonne as a spoilt little brat . ’
10 All three were sentenced to 25 years , although Martina Shanahan had served 200 days virtually of solitary confinement at Risley whilst on remand and was said to be losing her mind by the time the trial began .
11 Sam Somerville and Duncan McCrea were pale with fear by the time the call ended .
12 The West German leader , far from seeking to slow down the process leading to monetary union , said the treaty revision should be agreed by the end of 1991 and put into force by the time the EC single market was completed at the end of 1992 .
13 Seb and Christian had not found an opportunity to have their promised talk by the time the first of the local fairs came around .
14 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were proved to be a forgery by The Times in 1921 and this went some way to defuse the growth of anti-semitic tendencies within the wider political culture .
15 ‘ It should look rather like an Oxford college by the time we are finished , ’ he says , although he emphasises that no alterations will be made before full permission is granted by the planners .
16 On the way to the Staff Common Room Fenniway had a word with the constable who was taking up Pickerage 's lunch , so it was well into lunch break by the time Bill was called .
17 The coaching stock was six or eight a side compartment type with sliding top lights , it was warm in the carriage by the time the tunnel was reached , so a top light was opened .
18 Our young Tominah friend had disappeared by sunset , and it was well after dark by the time Abu returned , together with Ranteallo , jerking about in the front seat like a clownish version of his own Tau-Tau .
19 It was growing dark by the time they reached the narrow boat .
20 And Alfred P Sloan , who pioneered decentralization at General Motors in the early 1920s , lived to see it become international corporate practice by the time he published his best-selling memoirs in 1964 .
21 I get a stitch by the time I reach the telephone box .
22 It was nearly daylight by the time we reached the summit .
23 ( 2 ) Where an application is made in accordance with Rule 15 by a body which at the date of the application is already recognised under these Rules and the Council has neither granted nor refused a new recognition by the time when the body 's existing recognition would , apart from this paragraph , expire in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) of this Rule , the existing recognition shall not expire at that time but shall continue in force until a new recognition is granted or refused .
24 Dimly doing her best to remember what they 'd taught her at school , Diane believed that she 'd managed to work out the map reference by the time that Ross Aldridge arrived at the Hall .
25 Might just be one room wonder if I got my on my er B T shares ? foods cold by the time you get
26 That means they would already be exerting their influence by the time the microwave background was born .
27 When he saw it , he was downstairs , ready to get into the vehicle by the time it had stopped , and the director had got out .
28 And it al and proje on any projected traffic flows , you 'll be operating well over capacity by the time in which the new settlement is developed .
29 I want a list on my desk by the time I get back . ’
30 Booth 's awareness that " nobody gets a blessing when they have cold feet " meant that Bramwell was in charge of heating and supplying five centres where the poor could buy a cheap lunch by the time he was sixteen .
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