Example sentences of "[noun sg] at a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is always possible to raise questions concerning religion at a later stage , but , as a general rule , it is probably always safer ( assuming one has the time ) to ask the more general questions first , and see if specific answers come up .
2 Another great Therapy ? story revolves around a character called Eddie Faith , who found religion at a Christian meeting one night , and the next day walked into the local police station and confessed to 24 robberies he 'd committed in the previous year .
3 To take the philosophical one first , it was actually Nietzsche 's isolation at a critical period of his life that helped to create the need which Schopenhauer was to satisfy .
4 WIGAN are wanted for a ‘ double whammy ’ Down Under next February — but it could cause a fixture pile-up at a crucial stage of the season .
5 A quick glance at a standard form partnership agreement ( Appendix 1 ) gives a good impression of the wide range of matters upon which agreement is desirable .
6 A glance at a geological map of England will show that the proposed line skirts , and would accommodate the mineral district lying north and east of Chirbury , from which large quantities of lead and barytes are obtained .
7 A glance at a short section of a DXF file , see Fig. 2 , might lead to the conclusion that whoever designed the format either had shares in a paper manufacturing company , or a grudge against rain forests .
8 This cam be adduced from the fact that their internal document , Ireland Today , speculated about the replacement of some of the leadership of the association at a future date .
9 AN inside account of the Gulf War was given to the Alresford and District branch of the Royal Air Forces Association at a recent meeting at the Kingsworthy Sports and Social Club .
10 Under the scheme , a building society would lend money to a housing association at a low interest rate to buy homes , whose former owners would become tenants of the association .
11 It was sold to the Housing Association at a reduced value in order to make it viable .
12 Strachan 's quick thinking at a free kick caused confusion , and Speed was there to head the first .
13 Nine miles to the south , in the little village of Waterloo , the hugely fat Prussian Major had stopped his plodding horse at a small inn opposite the church .
14 But by the end of this series you should be in a position to find the right horse at a fair price — and that 's what every horse buyer should be aiming for . .
15 Ideal , say , for a university library building up stock — particularly if secondhand wants lists were being compiled — though someone revising the history stock at a small public library service point would look for a more selective tool .
16 Classes are a relaxed , collaborative affair , with much time spent contemplating plans and frequent breaks to discuss the stock at a local wood supplier or how to fake a Stradivarius .
17 Sergeant Bird followed him into the parkland at a leisurely pace , then watched from behind a tree as the fugitive made three attempts at the lowest portion of the wall .
18 ‘ It 's questionable if you could change that perception at a national level .
19 Presidential elections turn on the personality of the candidate to a far greater extent ; those who seek the presidency must communicate effectively with a mass electorate at a personal level .
20 The initial defects of his system , depending on the introduction of fresh air at a high level and its extraction at a low level , were corrected by Karkeek of Truro .
21 The two gall bladder perforations were caused by an inexperienced radiologist learning the technique and were managed conservatively by percutaneously draining the gall bladder for seven to 10 days to allow the perforation to heal and performing stone extraction at a second stage .
22 Though the epicuticular lipids play a major role in reducing water loss through the integument , it now seems unlikely that this depends on an oriented layer of wax molecules subject to disruption at a critical transition temperature ( Hackman , 1971 ) .
23 DETECTIVES investigating a shooting at a packed Merseyside pub today arrested five men in a series of raids .
24 Remember that the primary purpose of the tail rotor is to counteract the torque effect of the main rotor and maintain the fuselage at a constant heading .
25 To maintain net investment at a constant positive level , demand for the firm 's product must be rising at a steady rate .
26 Capitalists realized the rising share of profits by increasing investment at a faster rate than production ( figure 8.10 ) .
27 Enterprise democracy , that is , was presented as the complement to social planning of investment at a national or even supra-national level .
28 Bede not only compiled a detailed account of this important Synod but in another of his treatises , De temporum ratione ( ‘ On the Reckoning of Time ’ ) , written in 725 and generally regarded as his scientific masterpiece , he computed Easter tables for the period 532 to 1063 and also made a first attempt at a general chronology of the world down to the reign of the contemporary Byzantine emperor , Leo the Isaurian .
29 The return to rock represents an abstention or introversion , a retreat ( the Jesus and Many Chain 's ‘ My Little Underground ’ ) , a local culture rather than any doomed attempt at a global overhauling .
30 It is difficult to obtain accurate figures from the wilder , more snake-ridden parts of the world , such as Africa , Asia and South America , but an attempt at a global survey carried out in the 1950s gave a total world figure of thirty thousand deaths annually from all forms of snakebite .
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