Example sentences of "[noun sg] do [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In an attempt to do justice to the complexity of opinions , the research comprises three parts : a national attitude survey , to determine the structure of attitudes at one point in time ; follow-up interviews with a small number of respondents to the national survey , in which the experience of using various welfare services is being explored in detail ; and the re-analysis of information from previous surveys on similar topics , to see whether attitudes have changed much in recent years .
2 The most usual way for a musician to do business in Jamaica was through a producer , who would pay the musician a nominal sum for his work and then make his own deals with record companies : a system which traditionally guaranteed disproportionately generous returns for the producer , and next to nothing for the musician .
3 Investors do not usually grasp the minutiae of the trading experiences of the businesses in which they invest , but it is unsettling when a company such as Pentos , which has been proclaiming its readiness to do battle with the big boys over the Net Book Agreement , has a financial setback .
4 Unification link , page 8 ; Pound sags , page 11 ; A bloc to do business with , page 19
5 Even though Turtons ' had selected their file indiscriminately from stock to do battle with the French champion , even though the French company had brought over a special engineer to manipulate their product while Turtons ' had picked a man at random from the Sappers and Miners at the Exhibition , the French file had been humiliated .
6 Ltd. v. Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd. ( below , p. 262 ) , continued : These citations demonstrate that while consideration remains a fundamental requirement before a contract not under seal can be enforced , the policy of the law in its search to do justice between the parties has developed considerably since the early nineteenth century when Stilk v. Myrick was decided by Lord Ellenborough C.J. In the late twentieth century I do not believe that the rigid approach to the concept of consideration to be found in Stilk v. Myrick is either necessary or desirable .
7 Nothing wrong with that , in principle : a company that depended more on equity might not have the nerve to do things like founding Fox Television .
8 ‘ Always a pleasure to do business with a real gent . ’
9 Pleasure to do business with you , sir
10 The bare facts are these : in 1966 I got an open scholarship to do English at Oxford .
11 After graduation he was awarded a scholarship to do research for a doctoral thesis on Thomas Gray [ q.v. ] , apparently never completed , under the supervision of I. A. Richards [ q.v . ] .
12 Each recipient doing business in or organised under the laws of the United States of America or in areas subject to its jurisdiction represents that it is an institutional investor , expressing an interest for its own account and agrees not to purchase , distribute or sell any of the Company 's securities or any interest therein except in compliance with the above laws . ]
13 In a gap between two houses , an old wine barrel rested on its side doing duty as a kennel .
14 ‘ So what 's a legit doing sleeping on the stairs ?
15 FREE plastic flowers on cover , rest of issue unreadable except for Ray Lowry cartoon depicting Rupert Bear doing sex with Harold Wilson …
16 Pleas pleasure doing business with you .
17 While on site , The Grimley Partnership did filming for a separate ten-minute video on constant gas monitoring .
18 A ceiling fan did duty in place of modern air-conditioning .
19 What effect do changes in the amount of money have on the four macroeconomic objectives ?
20 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
21 The small-order example which is all we can give here does not of course do justice to the method , but at least shows how it works .
22 Wherever possible it is better to provide a person with the living conditions and equipment to do things for him- or herself , rather than providing special services .
23 And UTV 's Gerry will be using a satellite dish to do interviews from across the province live on the show .
24 Erm , the main requirement is , that where you have resources or applied property to discharge your own functions , people come under the then you are at liberty to use those resources where it does n't increase the capacity to do work for other public bodies , but you should neither increase your own capacity to do work with other bodies
25 Erm , the main requirement is , that where you have resources or applied property to discharge your own functions , people come under the then you are at liberty to use those resources where it does n't increase the capacity to do work for other public bodies , but you should neither increase your own capacity to do work with other bodies
26 One of the leading dancers with the Ballet Club , she is described by Luyt as having a brilliant technique , and he says she ‘ was compact and a dream to do double-work with , and was fearless in trying out death-defying lifts ’ .
27 Where others were most sharply conscious of the crisis posed for theology by the development of modern culture and the change in our self-awareness , he saw the real crisis as lying in the inability of theology to do justice to its object , and called it to look in the opposite direction from that it had been taking .
28 One of them would be more at home doing scaffolding on a building site , in my opinion .
29 Get all your business done Saturday for it 's a fine time for long distance communications and clinching all sorts of commercial arrangements and workaday agreements .
30 The felt need to get the cleaning done conflicts with the desire to be sociable ; one can iron , or perhaps cook , while talking to a friend or neighbour , but one can not wield a vacuum cleaner and carry on a conversation at the same time .
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