Example sentences of "[noun sg] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It sailed out of the horizontally opening window and fell on the bowler hat of a ratepayer on the street underneath .
2 Bright future on the circuit for HIVOL
3 Building for the future on the past
4 Will my right hon. Friend encourage the Opposition to initiate a Supply day debate in the not-too-distant future on the subject of the recession , because there is a strange idea , fostered by the Opposition and the media , that it is a peculiarly British disease , whereas it is worldwide ?
5 Keegan 's club is building for the future on the back of 30,000 gates every home match , but the Newcastle boss refuses to discuss transfer targets and would n't comment on the Ferdinand situation yesterday .
6 The German theologian , Wolfhart Pannenberg , emphasises this impact of the future on the present in Jesus ' teaching .
7 She had thought a lot about her future on the way home .
8 These powers are : ( i ) to make any compromise with creditors or persons claiming to be creditors ; ( ii ) to bring or defend proceedings ; ( iii ) to carry on the business of the bankrupt so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the estate ; ( iv ) to accept payment in the future on the sale of any property comprised in the estate .
9 Lord Christopher declined to talk further about the change , saying delicate negotiations about his future on the estate were still underway .
10 Gresham Telecomputing Plc , which last week released its first full year figures since the merger of the Gresham Group with Telecomputing Plc in 1991 is betting its future on the market 's movement towards open systems , despite the fact that its revenues still come from traditional ICL mainframe customers .
11 If apartheid is a thing of the past why did President de Klerk put his political future on the line in his fight against right-wing extremists who are determined to retain apartheid ?
12 He tried to slap Killion on the shoulder and missed , and ended up on the floor .
13 In 1832 , he moved away from his beloved Helps ton to a larger house in bleak North borough on the edge of the tens .
14 Of the other we have the head with the shoulders hunched by upraised arms , and the legs with the heavy cloak slipping down round them ; and we can reconstruct the figure almost exactly from the axe-man in the Centauromachy on the vase fig. 109 .
15 Carry on for a further third of a mile , then take the signed bridleway on the left .
16 On 21 October 1517 , Martin Luther had nailed his Ninety-Five Articles of Religion on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral , starting the Protestant Reformation .
17 Certainly we see here a very close relationship , of the kind envisaged by Durkheim , between society on the one hand and religion on the other .
18 The Cambridge philosopher of religion on the board refused to vote for Ramsey for he did not think his work up to standard — the Cambridge philosophers never forgave the ‘ irrationality ’ which was a streak in his first and most original book .
19 A couple of English-speaking students explain the hold of religion on the populace .
20 Cardinal Lercaro , one of the moderators , stressed the need for greater speed on the part of the commissions , reminding them — an indirect but clear reference to the Theological Commission — that it was not their task to decide disputed issues by presenting for discussion one straightforward text , but to evaluate and organize amendments so that they could be more easily decided in the Council Hall .
21 Mr Arbuckle 's appeal for speed on the issue was backed by the cereals committee convener , David Jack , who said he would like to see a representative sample of information from ten farms in the area 's 17 branches gathered together .
22 Your speed on the roundabout must be related to the roadholding and handling qualities of your car , the radius of the roundabout curves , the nature and condition of the road surface , your driving skills , and the volume of other traffic on or joining the roundabout .
23 Leeds goal came with a move started from the middle of the Oldham half with a ball stabbed forward from McAllister ( probably the only thing either good or bad he did all night ) to Speed on the edge of the box .
24 Speed on the climb will certainly avert problems later in the day .
25 Although the kangaroo has a fast turn of speed on the plan , he is handicapped when climbing trees .
26 Media organizations , eager to disseminate stories with maximum speed on the basis of initial reports , ran a particular risk not only of news management by those giving their briefings , but also of giving prominence to " news " which later proved incorrect .
27 For the moment though , he had to be content with speed on the ground as he drove Crossland Motor Company cars on cross-country reliability trials .
28 Jack persuaded Ducrocq to take him up for his first real flight , from that moment Jack knew that speed on the ground was no longer enough .
29 A rapid gear change gave them speed on the corner and he sat bent over the wheel , concentrating fiercely on the road through the sheets of rain .
30 He could see the savage glower on the face of the Ministry policeman some 50 yards ahead of him .
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