Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike other non-operative treatments , a non-functioning gall bladder with a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch is not a contraindication to treatment and stones were removed successfully in 15 of 16 patients with a return of cystic duct patency .
2 That is , they fluctuate about a mean with a wavelength small compared with the dimensions of the sample , and the effects of these fluctuations become insignificant within a few wavelengths of the surface .
3 A clear example of this may be seen in the learner driver who grips the steering wheel so tightly with one hand that he has great difficulty in moving the wheel with the other .
4 He then grabbed me with one hand and grabbed my steering wheel with the other .
5 I imagine there is a pivot through the rod-butt midway between my hands , like grasping opposite spokes of a wheel with the axle in the middle .
6 Duncan landed it on the port main wheel with the wing dipped into the strong cross-current .
7 Mathers span the wheel with the heel of his hand and they bounced back on to the approach road .
8 Islington is a multi-ethnic , inner city London borough with a child population of 29,000 .
9 America had no established church and provided the free market place for religion with no state monopolies which Nonconformists wanted in England .
10 Religion with the ring of truth
11 Make a custard with the milk , sugar and beaten egg yolks , by heating the milk and sugar , then pouring on to the egg yolks , stirring constantly .
12 About 6 years ago we therefore set out to raise the image of Washroom with the hope of protecting our customer base in difficult times and to generally increase sales .
13 This sponge with a calcite skeleton was obtained from a gravel , an unusual type of rock in which to find fossils It is a broadly cup-shaped sponge , rapidly expanding from a narrow base .
14 Spread the sponge with the chocolate buttercream , covering all the sponge except for 1cm ( ½inch ) at one short end .
15 If one wished to adopt the approach of a limited express remedy with no exclusion of liability , one would retain cl 10 ( except for cl 10.6 ) and delete the phrases in square brackets in cl 5.1 and the whole of cll 1 , 5.2 and 5.3 .
16 It is another remedy with an affinity for the respiratory tract .
17 My usual practice when visiting a patient with an acute febrile illness was to leave a prescription for the appropriate conventional drug ( usually an antibiotic ) , while at the same time administering the most appropriate homoeopathic remedy with the advice to the patient — or the parents , if the patient was a child — to continue to take the homoeopathic remedy but that if there was no improvement in two to four hours then to take the conventional drug .
18 Charles met Robyn off the train from Rummidge with a bottle of champagne in his hand .
19 Various features of these personality characteristics relate to crime , the most important being extroversion 's association with a resistance to being ‘ conditioned ’ out of various forms of behaviour .
20 All members are skilled craftsmen and women , who have the back up of old established Association with a reputation for having members who do goo work at a fair price .
21 Close association with a member of the other sex , as in marriage , allows a wider range of response and action than either partner could have on their own .
22 Nutrients are still at a premium here , so the plants form an association with a fungus pezzizella ericae which enables the heather to have a higher nitrogen uptake and to be more resistant to elements of heavy metals found in the soil .
23 Kodak Limited has responded to the appeal from the British Olympic Association with a donation of £10,000 to help support the British Teams at the Winter and Summer Olympics in 1992 .
24 It can not be the headquarters building of a normal fort and its association with a building which has all the appearances of a normal villa merely emphasizes the difficulties of interpretation ; but for the inscription a villa it would be .
25 Continued haemorrhage — ( a ) if the volume of intravenous fluids required to restore or maintain haemodynamic stability was greater than 1000 ml/hour or 3000 ml/12 hours , ( b ) fresh haematemesis and , ( c ) haematemesis or melaenas in association with a fall in packed cell volume greater than 5% in a 24 hour period , two days after admission .
26 But there was another reason why some places were holy — not intrinsically — but through their association with a past even more venerable than that of the martyrs : the sites of the lives of the apostles and the Lord .
27 It has the appearance of a shrine and an association with a water cult is indicated by the aquatic creatures in its mosaic .
28 First there are the buildings which are usually , though not exclusively , domestic in character , located in their own spacious plots of land or yards , often in association with a range of agricultural features .
29 The second distinctive group covers the well known strip buildings which are set end-on to the road frontages , often in association with a range of specialized activities .
30 Sir Peter then presented the Association with a cheque for £50,000 to help further development of this concept .
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