Example sentences of "[noun sg] not the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We shall not be a party to that : If Fascism was , as the Communists insisted , simply capitalism with its back to the wall , then it was realistic to see in Chamberlain 's rearmament programme not the promise of defence against German Fascism , but stage one in the construction of British Fascism .
2 And in saying this , one has in mind not the Cantos but the much more straightforward and generally serviceable forms which Pound put into currency in collections like Ripostes ( 1912 ) and Lustra ( 1916 ) .
3 This time she understood it was the drawing not the lifting of a veil .
4 It was becoming the rule not the exception that launches did not go right first time , but BBC2 settled down quite quickly as a recognized minority channel .
5 A major theme of the paper was that punishment should fit the crime not the criminal , that vandals , thieves , and burglars should not be jailed for persistent offending .
6 There were already signs of the difficulties ahead in May 1990 when it was reported that in order to avert a row with judges and magistrates the Home Secretary was contemplating watering down the principle that punishment should fit the crime not the criminal .
7 What you had to do was listen for the echo not the report itself .
8 The largest cost component of an upgrade to SVGA is the monitor not the video display board .
9 You 're setting up and prin the setting that 's the expensive bit not the running off is n't it ?
10 It is feelings , the heart not the mind , which are at the core of the Green polity .
11 This exception is not only totally fair and reasonable , but it is hard to see how the seller could be in breach of a warranty of title or quiet possession since the problem is caused by the buyer not the seller .
12 That one conception is somehow better than a second , supposing that that can be made out , is of course not the proposition that it is our conception or one of them .
13 What is what is the , what is the , is assessment not the word to use these days ?
14 But actually ’ — Agnes 's voice became pure Oxford ( the university not the town ) — ‘ that was just Track One was n't it ? — cover in case we noticed anything on Track Two which was a small destabilisation group .
15 The second point being that erm if a figure was to be identified for Greater York , we 'd feel that this would er unduly interfere with our duties and responsibilities as a District Council to allocate land in our district , cos in effect what it would do is direct us to making a housing allocation in one particular settlement , Shipton , we feel that 's our responsibility not the County Council .
16 However , since only 12% of the duodenal ulcer patients in a parallel , multicentre German study were H pylori negative and since , furthermore , neither the presence not the density of H pylori colonisation affected ulcer healing , it is unlikely that H pylori would have emerged as a risk factor for delayed healing in the present study .
17 All this ( the play not the soap ) is wrapped up with a fair degree of barbed wit with Finney acting big and bold as Alfred , with Stephen Moore more cagey and devious as Michael .
18 This study , like others before it ( UX No 412 ) , finds it 's the Microsoft brand not the software that 's responsible for the momentum .
19 ‘ It 's only a boy not the Friar .
20 The switch finally used must be the metal cased type not the glass envelope type .
21 However , the former had seen something amiss but hidden her thoughts behind the riddle ‘ Sinistra non dextra ’ , literally translated : ‘ On the right not the left ’ .
22 B : yes it would A : I mean the job not the hardware shop B : yes I REAlize what do you keep telling me for
23 When conceding issues always trade for something ( if you … then we will … ) and value your concessions in terms of their value to the purchaser not the vendor .
24 This is because after the ex dividend date , the bond is traded ex dividend ; the seller not the buyer receives the coupon and the buyer has to be compensated in terms of a lower price for holding the bond but not receiving the next coupon payment .
26 The following day I sent him the stamps and a couple of days later I received in the post not the book but a cheque for slightly less than the value of the book and postage combined , together with the following note , which I reproduce in its entirety : ‘ Herewith a cheque for £20 .
27 No , My Lords , I entirely disagree with the Noble Lord er furthermore as I 've already said we 're talking the builders site not the library in today 's question .
28 In the second place she was naked not armed , she was lying not riding , and she was the heroine not the hero .
29 Does the occasional slap do a child no harm , or is physical punishment not the solution for a misbehaving youngster ?
30 This aptitude is often referred to as ‘ seeing the big picture ’ , ‘ seeing the forest not the trees ’ , or the ‘ helicopter ability ’ .
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