Example sentences of "[noun sg] that for a " in BNC.

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1 However , in the county court , Ord 6 , r 1(i) simply gives a general requirement that for a claim , the cause of action , relief or remedy and the brief facts shall be specified or stated .
2 In some of his tracts he is outspokenly hostile to philosophy as mother of heresy , strident in his insistence that for a true believer everything is decided by the authority of the apostolic rule of faith and scripture so that further enquiries are superfluous .
3 What would be the chances of arriving at the principle of a constant coefficient of expansion in metals ( the notion that for a given metal there is a fixed relationship between amount of change of temperature and amount of change of length ) if the only data to hand concerning temperature and length were estimates based on unaided touch and sight ?
4 So , hoisting her bag over her shoulder with an element of pride that for a brief moment made her lose sight of how important it was to try and pin him down for an interview , she made for the door .
5 She was able to warn her manager that for a while she might be a bit slower and occasionally a bit tearful .
6 The wealth of diamonds incorporated in her regalia reflected the fact that Catherine presided over a realm that for a short period was the world 's leading producer .
7 I do take into account that for a lot of people , pop artists are role models so you have to be careful about what you are doing .
8 There could be no doubt that for a man on foot this was the quickest way from Riddle 's house to Jordan 's farm .
9 Clearly corporations exercise substantial discretionary controls over the timing and fullness of their responses to consumer demands , including the possibility that for a decade or more they may ignore them ’ .
10 Dramatic as imprinting is as a form of learning , it suffered from my point of view from the problem that for a bird to become imprinted requires exposing it to the stimulus , the flashing light or whatever , for a couple of hours ; memory builds up slowly over that time , and so the cellular changes that are going on during the period inevitably intermingle the effects of learning and of visual stimulation with those of memory formation .
11 She 'd known he would follow Didi as soon as the ring was found and the American wanted him by her side , but still his words brought such pain that for a moment Luce thought she 'd moaned aloud .
12 On the other hand all modern anthropologists and archaeologists would agree with the view that for a very long period of history mankind has existed solely by hunting , fishing , and gathering , and that such a technological stage always precedes domestication of plants and animals .
13 Lambert looked at him with such energy that for a moment Killion thought he had discovered a way out of it .
14 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
15 When the Constituent Assembly was dissolved after the 1917 Revolution , and the Bolsheviks ' Land Decree had stolen the main plank of the Socialist Revolutionaries ' platform , Siberian and Black-Earth peasants alike failed to give any further support to their still loyal party , despite the fact that for a period an SR-dominated Directory prevailed in eastern Russia .
16 It is a fact that for a time last year , there were no statements at all being issued about Northern Ireland by the Labour Party headquarters .
17 There is now a considerable literature on the public schools , none of which unfortunately comes to grips with what seems , with respect to the subject of this book , to be perhaps the central issue : the fact that for a hundred years , from the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth , the British governing classes were educated in an atmosphere which combined the toleration of a merciless brutality with perpetual exhortations to be good .
18 Another legacy of the French period of broadcasting is the fact that for a long time few such stations broadcast in African languages : radio services in the Ivory Coast are dominated by the French language even today .
19 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
20 The fact that for a lot of the time she was on-guard disturbed him .
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