Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that the Convention is not a direct protection for freedom of speech in Britain : it is a persuasive and educative force which , if media interests have the patience and determination to seek rulings from Strasbourg , may slowly shape the operation of British law in favour of public interest reporting .
2 The BBC and IBA meekly complied with the ban , which further underlines the lack of constitutional protection for freedom of speech in British law .
3 In deciding the scope of a " fair comment " plea and the degree of interpretative sophistication to bring to bear on the question of whether a passage is " comment " or " fact " , the court should have regard to the constitutional importance of the " fair comment " defence as a protection for freedom of expression .
4 There is no substantive protection for privacy in British law .
5 These synthetic chemicals were first generally introduced in the late 1940s and early 1950s , and are mainly used in two stages in arable operations — as protection for seed at sowing , and as protection for the growing crop .
6 Am I to watch another woman sink into her grave for want of a little compassion ? ’
7 Erm but erm sitting in a traffic jam this morning I was very concerned to learn that taking effect from tomorrow the government is changing the grant for adaptation for severely handicapped people .
8 His annuity was first raised to 100 marks ( £66 13s. 4d. ) , assigned on the lordship of Haverford , and then on 20 August 1385 replaced by a grant for life to him of that lordship .
9 The average social fund grant for furniture in 1990–1 was £377 , excluding grants for washing machines .
10 ATHLETICS champion Nadeem Malik who suffers from cerebral palsy has received a grant for equipment from Middlesbrough council .
11 This is an initial grant for consultation with industry and others to thoroughly identify the range of management and organisational problems associated with the introduction of Computer-Aided Design .
12 Possibly we 're looking to reduce home help hours , but this is at a time when , at the same time I 'm saying to you , we 're having problems with our S T G , our special grant for care in the community .
13 Get Ready ! is the ideal preparation for English at primary level , giving pupils that basic knowledge and feeling for English which is the foundation of successful learning .
14 These courses are also a preparation for work at the hardware/software interface and provide the potential for work in hardware design .
15 The purpose of this project is to complete the preparation for publication of thirteen volumes of Bentham 's Collected Works , which are to be published by the Oxford University Press .
16 Four elements of the specification are of particular importance here : a statement of aims relating to the education of individual pupils , and to the preparation for life after school ; a statement of objectives in terms of skills , attitudes , concepts and knowledge ; a balanced allocation of time for the eight areas of experience ; and methods of teaching and learning which will achieve the objectives .
17 Most employers will be only too happy to help you tailor your preparation for re-entry to your own learning needs and those of the job you hope to take up .
18 Recommendations on the additional preparation for conversion are included in the UKCC Paper PS & D/88/05 , The Enrolled Nurse and Preparation for Re-entry to a First Level part of the UKCC 's Register .
19 Ss 54 and 55 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 are due to be brought into force before the end of 1992 , along with supporting Regulations , thus breaking the lawyers ' monopoly in the preparation for payment of papers relating to probate and letters of administration .
20 Many people took this game of make-believe to fantastic lengths and went through the whole elaborate business of a preparation for escape without the slightest real intention of ever carrying it out .
21 This course provides a valuable preparation for entry to areas such as industry and commerce , public administration , education , and the media .
22 Evidence for the importance of preparation for entry to higher education also comes from Yates and Davies ( 1987 ) study of former Access students .
23 Unlike occupational SVQs , general SVQs are intended to provide a broad preparation for employment in a range of occupations .
24 Or are we seeing an indication that some inner processes of preparation for loss at this time of life have come into play ?
25 All the students had successfully completed Longlands College 's preparation for entrance to the uniformed services course .
26 The Council considered " that if the challenges of a European Union composed of a larger number of member states are to be met successfully , parallel progress is needed as regards the internal development of the Union and in preparation for membership of other countries " .
27 The fictional Eastertide death of Philip at Lydiard Constantine ( in Swindon ) , leaving the narrator to continue the kind of life that Thomas himself followed in his preparation for matriculation at Oxford in October 1897 , reads like a youthful reaction to the actual death of Ashcroft Noble on Good Friday 1896 .
28 There is a similar emphasis to be found on the educational preparation for citizenship in the report of the Speaker 's Commission .
29 A seminal and key figure , at least in American education , has been Dewey , who was recommending in 1916 that schools should be organised as miniature democracies , and who saw education as a preparation for citizenship in a democratic society ( Dewey , 1916 ) .
30 There is no machinery for remission for misconduct in expert determination .
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