Example sentences of "[noun sg] i 've [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In that case I 've no idea what it could be .
2 ‘ I can see it 's wonderful for the East Germans , and if it does n't lead to reunification I 've no objection to it .
3 And I 'm not sure , I ca n't remember which , I do n't know whether she started on the bottom or the bottom I 've a feeling she may be did n't start on the bottom actually
4 Er I 'm a bit like the other lady I 've no idea either .
5 I 'm sorry I kissed you earlier , but I swear on the Bible I 've no intention of ravishing you on the kitchen floor before supper — or any other time . ’
6 ‘ At the moment I 've no thoughts at all about preparing for the next World Cup ’ , said Best .
7 Well I 've er , I 've er fibre I 've a fibre underneath and a feather cos , when I had a fibre I do n't know why , but me ears seemed to be deaf every morning
8 ‘ And if he could express an opinion I 've no doubt he 'd say he cared , too — cared deeply .
9 Why it got this name I 've no idea , as the so called ‘ bees ’ , looking rather like the cereal Sugar Puffs , were reputed to be an Australian fungus with yeast-like properties .
10 Daddy kept rather obviously bestirring himself to mind about my exams and piling up my desk with secondary stuff I 've no time for — I do n't want to read literary criticism yet , almost at all , and I 'm damned sure he does n't smother his clever boys with it .
11 For all practical purposes at this stage sir she may appear to you to be a fit and proper person I 've no doubt the Licensing Committee will want to know a lot more about the situation sir .
12 Why Sandra Riverton resigned from the company I 've no idea .
13 We have another in erm on Thompson 's Directory , we said we were asked if we would like a mention there , and that has been put in hand , with at the moment the Chairman 's name and address and telephone number , but when we get our office I 've no doubt we can change that because we 'll have a rota for the office and probably just morning hours and that can go in another copy .
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