Example sentences of "[noun sg] i have an " in BNC.

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1 Chairman I have an amendment to that motion , because , because I believe it 's important that we start to identify a lot of councils publish at the end of the year for public consumption a list of the allowances drawn by members , and I think that would be very useful and I would make , as an amendment , I would , would add to the proposal put by Mr that we call for a report to be pu er , to be presented to us of the amounts of allowances drawn by members , each member
2 Later that afternoon I had an audience with the opera 's new boss .
3 ‘ And when I 'd parked the car I had an overwhelming urge to kiss you . ’
4 When I started discussions with the social services department I had an open mind about the service to be delivered .
5 At the moment I have an Aquastar , a Triton , a Powerglo and an Actinic .
6 There is a place I have an eye to — in Leicestershire . ’
7 At this juncture I have an experience to relate , perhaps one which ought to be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records .
8 Er , the different types of files perhaps , there 's a , maybe a payroll file , I have a P there , and I have a access file I have an A there .
9 One day I had an argument with the forelady .
10 All right then yeah , like I was saying I got into a massive argument with him last night I had an argument with Osman , right
11 ‘ It 's all rather complicated and I do n't really know , but whatever happened in the past I have an obligation to look after Beryl .
12 But he was a big man and for some reason I had an unhealthy picture of him being more than able to do something unspeakable to Tonka toys .
13 Dear Doctor I have an Encore Strat copy , the one with the humbucker in the bridge .
14 ‘ Last year I had an accident and broke my neck .
15 When I left school I had an aunt
16 In the darkness I had an image of the loss of my writing .
17 Whilst in America on holiday I had an emergency admission to hospital with a ( full ) mole pregnancy .
18 the cursor I had an E on the
19 If I signed a contract to carry out a complete refurbishment of the interior of your house I have an obligation to fulfil that contract .
20 The last time I had an office job was in 1986 — it was a disaster , and I 'm pleased to be able to say that I have n't done a day 's work since .
21 Now , I am so thankful I stayed longer , for in this time I had an unforgettable experience .
22 For the first time I had an opportunity of seeing Barbara at work in detailed negotiations , and whatever small credit attached to me for the major idea , the scale and ingenuity that she expended on the detail and in making it possible to arrive at a suitable settlement was beyond praise .
23 It is the first time I have an internal examination .
24 Cos every time I have an exam it 's a exactly the same things .
25 I 've just realised that the be every time I have an occasion
26 In fact I had an education many a girl would envy — all the extras , you know . ’
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