Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 That 's just the story I told the clan ! ’
2 Because ’ — his speech slurred a fraction — ‘ I 'm going to tell you a story I heard the other day which I could n't possibly tell you if you had a lady Archdeacon . ’
3 As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness .
4 In each case I pressed the national authorities concerned to allow me to send a UK ‘ observer ’ to their investigation and I am happy to say that our request was agreed to on each occasion .
5 A year later when I had Katie and I was married , I did n't want " to go to hospital in case I got the same treatment , but they were totally different .
6 The police have been up several times , you know that attache case I said the dustman found that time ?
7 I ambled intentionally slowly , hiding my wrist-watch in my pocket , in case I damaged the leg further through impatience and hurrying .
8 ( And , in case I muddled the halves and thought the lady 's name was Mary Marks , I decided that it would be a very windy day and that , as the skirt of her wedding gown was blown by the gales , I was able to see that she was wearing suspenders . )
9 Category I contained the 27% of authorities who mentioned 30 or more programmes or courses .
10 When we were at the park I took the down there cos
11 I heard er er der at er erm parked in the other car park I heard the hoofs go bang !
12 ‘ I was cold and wet by this time , but after a tour of inspection I found the house was deserted .
13 ‘ The more champagne I drank the better I understood his strong Scottish accent .
14 My I wanted to do , is said my name is Jonathan do do , doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo do da da da da da da da money dee da my name is Jonathan ee ee ee dee doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo din din din din din din my name is Jonathan din din din and it 's mine and it 's mine oh oh oh mum mum bom bom bom bom bom , bomby om bomby om doo de doo doo doo doo dee dee dee dee doo doo doo dee doo doo dee dee dee I said my name is Jonathan come on mum I kept the cassette going .
15 When he went in the Dolphinarium I got the bus up to Devil 's Dyke and had my sandwiches up there .
16 I remembered the noise I remembered the noise as we went past the pub , so I went back to the pub and sure enough there were fifty Sorry thirty burly men .
17 Whatever the grade , Route I opened the way for all that was to follow .
18 At the Suzuka Eight Hour I had the front skidding in the second part of the Spoon Curve .
19 Then after about an hour I heard the familiar heavy tread of Dad 's boots on the cobbles .
20 Once when he swung across the road to frighten a cyclist by passing within inches of him at forty miles an hour I expected the Feldwebel or the officer to be angry .
21 Bleary-eyed , at the appointed hour I loaded the car at John 's with two large display cases , posters , boxes of lead , a bag of pre-decimal coinage , two folding chairs , a roll of velvet material — and the kitchen sink !
22 With all my heart I hated the malais .
23 In support I supplemented the engineering team with more members of the AIB engineering section .
24 Of course I knew the path led to the Camus na Dobhrain , and the lawyers had told me that the cottage was let to a girl , so I wondered why he was headed there .
25 Of course I enjoyed the company at school because my childhood was a bit lonely .
26 Of course I got the ferry to Appin and a lift to the very pier south of the narrows of Loch Leven where JTR landed .
27 So er er after a bit you see he changed them round , he , he guessed somebody were and of course I got the job
28 Over the first course I made the usual polite inquiries about Sally 's new job and asked her what she had been up to for the last half-dozen years or so .
29 and you get gale force winds blowing down there and of course I opened the back door and there were panes of glass flying past
30 And of course I loved the town and although the station was about a mile from the town centre , people used to come from the town centre in their cars , they had lunch at our place er er at Cambridge , you see , and there , there were two waiters and one , one of them took part-time cellar work , you see , and er , they were two brothers and er their name 's
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