Example sentences of "[noun sg] to more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both Shelton 's Bearcat and John Sandberg 's purpose-built Tsunami were finding out that perhaps propellers might hold the key to more speed at Reno .
2 An alternative to more co-ordination of production is centralized production of guides of such a high quality that local production would be deemed redundant .
3 In his 1988 Budget , Mr Nigel Lawson reduced the top rate of income tax from 60 to 40 per cent and claimed that ‘ Excessive rates of income tax destroy enterprise , encourage avoidance and drive talent to more hospital shores overseas ’ .
4 The programmes were broadly similar in their call for a gradual transition to the market and a return to more state control .
5 Each person had thought that he or she knew him best and each person had felt he had the right to more sadness than the others .
6 If job creation schemes are n't in urban areas , are the best way to get round them , is n't it , if we can show , quite simply , that job creation schemes lead to more migration , which lead to more unemployment .
7 It may therefore become economically and politically expedient to encourage a shift to more labour intensive methods of primary production .
8 The university also has a good wine list to complement its food , from a reasonable house wine to more quality vintages .
9 In contrast to the nationwide Observer/Harris poll of voters referred to earlier , 75 per cent of the Londoners questioned by Gallup on behalf of five London boroughs preferred curbs on cars and better public transport to more city roads .
10 Interesting that both women seemed to have had access to more money than you would expect .
11 Nonetheless , whatever success was achieved within these programmes it was not enough to change the general picture of an agricultural system which could only expand production by having access to more land .
12 They will want to use their qualifications to shape their future , relying on the currency of these awards to help them gain access to more education/training , to support job applications or to underpin planned personal development .
13 Future developments include access to more information sources — GL is currently talking to a further four names — new cable and satellite links and , eventually , a Windows NT version .
14 The Minister , who has access to more information than I have and who is ably supported by his civil servants , may be able to give us more news on that front this morning .
15 Although managers require up to date information they have access to more information on a day to day basis than external users .
16 erm I find I 'm not sure that any of us can erm cope with what 's going on at the moment in the Gulf without having just ways of distracting ourselves , erm and I think that perhaps might be more of a problem for adults than it is for children , in the sense that erm most of us have access to more information than most children do erm and more information about what death means , and what suffering means , and what pain means , than erm most children who have been brought up in this country .
17 ( California eliminated lead from petrol before anywhere else — as an anti-pollution measure — and that state gives rise to more fringe cults than any other . )
18 I know not where he will bestow a kirk to more advantage … ’
19 I At the most obvious level interest group activity increased in the post-war period in response to more state involvement in managing the economy and in welfare provision .
20 Like the CAPM it assumes that investors prefer more wealth to less , less risk to more risk , and that they are rational decision makers .
21 At the Italian Open in Rome in May his suffering showed as he watched the family breadwinner losing to Amanda Croetzer who Jennifer was expected to breeze past on her way to more glory .
22 It 's followed by ‘ Gibbet ’ , a lush , textured tune that scrapes the impressive heights reached by its predecessor , only to give way to more featherweight tat .
23 However , as the poet reaches the scene of virgin beauty , the definite article momentarily ceases its " relaxed " function and pushes the reader to more processing effort .
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