Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Their political leaders , horrified by the isolation to which the electorate had consigned the country , have rallied behind the treaty .
2 She recalled the housekeeper 's kindness to her the previous evening , when she had led her from her mistress 's chamber and shown her the room that Miss Merchiston had assigned for her use .
3 After all , he does not actually seek the result to which the polls have been pointing since the election campaign began .
4 Both he , and R.A. Smith in his British Museum guide to Anglo-Saxon Antiquities ( 1923 ) , accepted the important work of the scholar Bernhard Salin , Die altgermanische Thierornamentik ( 1904 ) , whose analysis of the animal motifs used in migration period art provided a chronology to which the English material could be related .
5 The removal of a centre of consciousness to which the narrative discourse could be attached and the self-conscious preoccupation with both the linguistic/ verbal origins of the text and the status of the reading and writing of fiction suggested that a new aesthetic had been evolved .
6 Newly flung mashed potato clung to the walls , testament to what the Rugby Supporters ' Club thought of the ‘ mash ’ part of the lunch .
7 The ridicule to which the dupes are condemned may be explicitly orchestrated by the author , by providing characters within the text to laugh at the victim .
8 Chrysler is back in the UK market with two variations on the old Willys Jeep theme as the prelude to what the company hopes will be a wide range of new models designed to exploit profitable niches .
9 The degree of intellectual impairment occurring in early treated preschool children is closely associated with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia to which the subjects have been exposed .
10 This is as true of the patrician Tories and the outraged-of- Tunbridge Wells brigade to which The Daily Telegraph under Worsthorne 's editorship was still directing its leaders as it was of The Guardian 's public sector-employed army of veterans from 1968 whose retreat was traced across the pages of MT throughout the 80s .
11 The government programme to which the PSE-PSOE had been unable to agree envisaged the transfer to the region of responsibility for social security and local management of the national employment institute , as well as the creation of a Basque public bank .
12 The strike was in support of FNT demands , which enjoyed widespread popular support and that of the FSLN ( Sandinista ) opposition to which the FNT was affiliated , for a minimum monthly wage equivalent to US$200 and for an end to plans to privatize state enterprises .
13 It is likely that the introduction of traffic calming to any particular housing area in Britain will also produce opposition to what the residents may well see as disruptive and eccentric ideas .
14 But Mr Kilfoyle told the health boss : ‘ Your colleagues if not yourself will be well aware of my opposition to what the Regional Health Authority is doing on behalf of the most despised government in living memory .
15 Had he been alive he would doubtless have been delighted at the response of the leading conservative theatre critic to What the Butler Saw ( 1969 ) : ‘ Orton 's terrible obsession with perversion , which is regarded as having brought his life to an end and choked his very high talent , poisons the atmosphere of the play .
16 The swimming section was more or less brought back to mind to me the other day when they showed the old Stoke bathing place .
17 But it is Judit to whom the chess world most readily gives the title of genius : last year , aged 13 , she achieved a Grandmaster norm and became the world 's top-ranking woman player .
18 The confusion to which the hon. Gentleman refers does not exist at any of the BP refineries that I have visited .
19 Some members of this family may possess dual molecular recognition properties — for the ligand bound by the protein and for a receptor cell to which the ligand is transported .
20 A long time ago , Zacco had sent this man , lord of his Mamelukes , to fetch Nicholas from the monastery to which the Venetians had brought him .
21 yeah — i talk to him the next time i see him ; - ) ( joke ! — well i stayed at the same hotel as the norw. players before our game against england and actually talked to a couple of players … the next time i will have a chat with leeds-fan rekdal ; - ) i will however forward your wishes of luck if/when i write to the supporters club .
22 Pike was curled up into a ball , like a hedgehog , clutching his wig to him the way a kid might hold on to its teddy before going to sleep .
23 The Tribunal stated first that the standard of work did not appear to have suffered because of the practice to which the employer objected .
24 One of the most striking social norms of all the hunting peoples was sharing of the spoils of the hunt among all members of the community , even if they had played no part in the hunt — a practice to which the Evenki term nimat is often applied .
25 Significantly , and with a candour unusual in books celebrating a commercial firm 's history , Hall observes that many dealers were lagging behind the more advanced taste evidenced by museum curators : ‘ The choices made by the trustees illustrate advances in scholarship to which the ( private ) clients of Colnaghi , Agnew 's and Duveen were unresponsive …
26 Infra-red may be regarded as a form of light to which the human eye is insensitive — that is , it can not be seen but otherwise behaves in practically the same way .
27 ‘ Whatever the precise degree of knowledge of the defendants at any particular time , faced with a laden ship which , as they well knew , was about to leave port , the defendants must in my judgment be deemed to have known of the almost certain existence of contracts of carriage to which the shipowners were parties .
28 In the writer 's view this convention was the preposterous off-spring of a distorting egocentric illusion to which the children of a Western Civilisation had succumbed like the children of all other known civilisations and known primitive societies .
29 The seven options on the main menu provide the key to what the program can do .
30 Key to everything the idea of the glass .
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