Example sentences of "[noun sg] have been right " in BNC.

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1 But the girls ' whispering had been right .
2 Perhaps the swank had been right in that one respect when he jeered at Biff 's diligent efforts in the Scriptory …
3 Dot had been right all along and Mrs Parvis wrong when she 'd insisted that it was all over bar the shouting .
4 ( The court also looked at the methodology and decided that the expert had been right about it anyway . )
5 One glance was sufficient to show that the regular had been right .
6 A spokesman for the Durham Anti-Apartheid Group said the Labour Group in Darlington Borough Council had been right to refuse to see the delegation .
7 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
8 For them , the time and the place had been right .
9 Her teacher had been right all those years ago , reflected Busacher .
10 The campaign aimed at the general population had been right at a time when there was ignorance about AIDS , she said .
11 About twice a day , she 'd ask herself whether this move had been right for him .
12 Papa had been right ; there was risk attached to the marriage .
13 Mama had been right .
14 True , they had not suited each other , but supposing the chemistry had been right , should such a relationship have been ruined by the wretched man-made social system ?
15 Held , dismissing the appeal , that there was nothing in the policy of the Insolvency Act 1986 that indicated that Parliament intended to give the words ‘ carried on business ’ in section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) of that Act a meaning different from that which they had been held to bear in section 4(1) ( d ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 ; that a debtor did not cease to carry on business for the purposes of section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) until all the trading debts of the business had been paid ; and that , accordingly , the registrar had been right in holding that since the tax liability had not been discharged the debtor was still carrying on business and that he had jurisdiction to make the bankruptcy order ( post , pp. 122B–E , H — 123A ) .
16 I now had the distinct impression that headvoice had been right all the time , that it was in fact down to me , or rather the old ‘ guilty conscience ’ ( which is well known to be capable of playing up without proper cause ) , playing tricks with my head .
17 Her gut instinct had been right : Zambia Crevecoeur had always meant trouble .
18 The astrologer had been right to warn her off , had been right that his heart was tied up elsewhere .
19 The astrologer had been right .
20 When they reached the market place , he realised that his father had been right : there were nowhere near as many workers as there had been in previous Novembers .
21 His father had been right for once : she would make him the perfect match .
22 Gradually Louisa began to wonder whether her father had been right after all , whether she had been as unwise as he claimed to shut herself away in this sequestered place .
23 Her father had been right ; she needed the change .
24 His first impulse had been right .
25 The Captain had been right about their having lost a guard as well as a feeder .
26 The other two grown-ups would see that Maman had been right in her judgement .
27 Her last waking thought had been that she was wrong , and that Ace had been right all the time .
28 The Daily Mirror has been right all along in accusing Pakistani cricketers of obtaining extra swing over the years through illegally roughening one side of the ball by scratching it with fingernails or even ripping the red leather surface .
29 She struggled against the unfamiliar effects of the alcohol , against the almost overwhelming tiredness , and forced her brain into action , pushing away the thought that perhaps that man had been right and Mark 's old friends had left her .
30 Without his fedora his hairline was receding , and the clothe was wrong on him the way a trench coat had been right .
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