Example sentences of "[noun sg] have call for " in BNC.

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1 But English Heritage has called for a thorough feasibility study before the third application is determined .
2 SCOTTISH Natural Heritage has called for all ships carrying hazardous cargo to be banned from the Minches and Fair Isle Channel .
3 The parliament has called for a more rational approach to trade and aid schemes as well as investigation into the EC 's role in granting funds in certain cases .
4 However , the parliament has called for an investigation into how this particular project came to be funded .
5 The parliament has called for other EC countries to follow the Dutch lead .
6 The Socialist group in the European parliament has called for the EC to set more ambitious targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
7 A report on suicides at Oxford University has called for ways to be found to reduce academic pressure on students .
8 The Economist has called for a bill of rights as a bulwark against what Lord Hailsham once described as an ‘ elective dictatorship ’ .
9 Since eggs became the focus for the food poisoning scare , the association has called for the testing of the eggs themselves to establish infection .
10 The UK Consumer 's Association has called for the establishment of an EC minimum requirement for minerals in " mineral water " , after a study of 29 popular brands found most to be virtually devoid of minerals .
11 The document has caused a political storm and Labour has called for a statement from Mr Major .
12 Kazakhstan 's president has called for Mr Gorbachev 's union treaty to be signed at once , with negotiations over the details to follow .
13 A Countryside Commission review has called for wide-ranging reforms to protect the 10 national parks of England and Wales from the growing threats of development and tourism .
14 The opposition had called for voting in June .
15 The British actors ' union Equity had called for a halt to Australian TV actors appearing in British pantomimes .
16 Initial reports that the local garrison of the ( Serb-dominated ) Yugoslav People 's Army had turned out to assist the Knin insurgents proved to be false ( on Aug. 14 Serbian National Council leader Jovan Raskovic had called for army protection should the referendum be prevented ) .
17 Two conferences of the Football Supporters ' Association have called for a re-think , but it seemed we were banging our heads against a brick wall .
18 We are already spending , or propose to spend , more than the Opposition have called for .
19 All the submissions to the Government from the biotechnology industry have called for greater public information about genetic engineering , so no one can object to giving consumers the chance to make informed choices as they push their supermarket trolleys .
20 The family of a remand prisoner found hanged in his cell have called for a public inquiry after an inquest reached a suicide verdict .
21 The two countries ' joint forestry committee has called for retaliatory action , including a ban on imports of certain EC products , to be taken by the forthcoming meeting of economic ministers of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .
22 The European Parliament 's Transport Committee has called for a 40 per cent cut in carbon dioxide by the year 2010 — a far more ambitious figure than the Community 's official target of a freeze at 1990 levels by 2000 .
23 Wirral housing committee has called for an urgent meeting with housing minister Sir George Young .
24 Although much recent work ( Maos , 1983 , 47 ) confirms that ‘ the efficiency of services is higher in concentrated settlement patterns and can be further improved by the transfer of service functions from lower to higher ranking centres ’ , some recent work has called for less emphasis to be placed on the economic evaluation of service provision .
25 The Institute has called for new pensions legislation to be introduced , with limitations on the use of pension fund surpluses , and new accounting and auditing requirements .
26 The Institute has called for more stringent vetting of solicitors ' accounting arrangements , and has particularly questioned whether the existing system of annual checks is adequate .
27 The National Consumer Council has called for industry and motorists to pay more towards the cost of cleaning up the British water supply .
28 THE Plaid Cymru group on Ynys Mon Borough Council has called for Wales to have its own environmental agency .
29 The International Stock Exchange has called for more time to implement the changes but so far it has had little success .
30 A SCOTTISH fishing boss has called for a Europe-wide boycott of cheap fish to stop non-EC states destroying the fishing industry .
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