Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will also meet with resistance from some of the groups that stand to gain from such policies because of the grip that the ideology of inequality has on British society .
2 We may not be very interested in tracing the history of collisions a given atom has with other atoms , as one atom is very much like another .
3 As the speeches of your Lordships show Parliament has in recent years made many inroads into the privilege in a number of statutes .
4 Of particular importance is the effect that deforestation has on tropical soils .
5 If the rebels were prudent they would hold the line where it is , and take advantage of the peace talks that the American State Department has by steady diplomacy arranged for them in London .
6 So , in addition to research and sales it is necessary to consider a number of interfaces which the industry has with different branches of the government machinery .
7 The ’ chancer ’ or ’ bodger ’ in the building industry has in recent years become more of a problem .
8 The first term is the optimal level of in the one shot game , the second is the benefit from the effect has on future state variables .
9 ( 3 ) A licensing board shall not refuse an application for the renewal of a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 4 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the manager is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen have not been observed or that the canteen has in other respects been improperly conducted ; or ( c ) that the manager or the body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement of the kind mentioned in paragraph ( d ) of section 41(1) of this Act .
10 If the D6 roll is more than the distance you have veered away then the Doom Diver has over compensated and the template is moved over and beyond the target the full distance roll .
11 Therefore while the emphasis on infrastructure projects within EC regional aid has in general been much reduced , there must still be a strong case for maintaining such aid to peripheral areas .
12 He claimed that there were places in the past where ‘ men 's lives were longer , when plain homely diet and bodily labour were much used , and shorter when more civiliz 'd times delighted in idleness , and wanton luxury ’ .
13 Granite rocks that were almost bare in early spring had by late summer acquired a thin growth of brown diatoms ( Navicula , Fragilaria , Achnanthes , Licmophora ) and filamentous green algae ( Ulothrix , Enteromorpha , Cladophora , Monostroma ) , growing upward in a narrow band upward from mean low tide level .
14 In the second case ( Reg. v. Morris ) the defendant had in similar manner switched price labels on goods in a supermarket but was not arrested until after he had passed the check-out point and paid the lesser prices for the goods .
15 However , the costs appearing in the books of the newly nationalised industry were considerably below these , largely because , while capital charges normally formed a large proportion of the total costs of electricity supply , the industry had in recent years been prevented from investing heavily and most of its inherited equipment stood in the books at prewar values .
16 It is more likely that what connects creativity to madness is some aspect of the thought styles which psychotic and original forms of thinking have in common and which , in the psychiatric domain , can be observed across the arbitrary diagnostic categories of psychosis .
17 It is also very probable that the cognitive style which overinclusive and divergent thinking have in common is strongly inherited .
18 What do a heavy face cream and a woolly sweater have in common ?
19 What , if anything , do the following members of an academic institution have in common : the business studies lecturer , the philosopher , the pharmacist , the nuclear physicist , the archaeologist , the civil engineer , the social work lecturer and the law lecturer ?
20 The glass for this could , Miller suggested , be of inferior quality for the top , but the front should be ‘ glaz 'd with new Castle Glass ’ .
21 While her work has in common a pre-occupation with a place called ‘ home ’ and the notion ‘ family ’ , her photographic construction is quite different .
22 in Britain the balance of accountability has in varying degrees become lost …
23 Obviously , if all security interests were possessory it would make secured borrowing virtually impossible as a debtor would be deprived of the ability to use the assets subject to the security in the course of business ( but English law has for long recognised non-possessory security interests ) .
24 I can see this in my own case , where losing a job or a home has in certain instances reopened old wounds .
25 Greenock 's lobby has in large brass letters the same motto that adorned the key IBM building in New York City in the thirties : ‘ World Peace Through World Trade . ’
26 A third question — what impact is the new law having on economic change ? — can not be answered satisfactorily at this early stage .
27 The Scientific Committee had in previous years expressed concern about the Dall 's porpoise harpoon fishery , fearing that even the much smaller annual catch may not have been sustainable , since Japanese scientists had calculated a replacement rate of only about 5000 porpoises each year .
28 The Polish economist Kalecki , whose work had in other ways anticipated that of Keynes , had predicted just such a development a quarter of a century earlier :
29 It examined and rejected the proposition that a general right of privacy should be legally recognised , pointing out that this was not the way in which English law had in recent centuries sought to protect the main democratic rights of citizens — neither the right of free speech nor the right of free assembly being embodied in statute law , for example .
30 If this vacuum is filled , however episodically , by the use of disinhibiting substances , then whatever hold the child had on disciplined , co-operative behaviour is likely to be undermined .
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