Example sentences of "[noun sg] and had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He lost three stones in weight and had to be wrapped in tin foil in hospital because of heat loss .
2 The driver of the Toyota was trapped by the feet in the wreckage of the car and had to be released by firemen .
3 The woman , who has not yet been named but is aged about 50 , was trapped in her car and had to be freed by firemen before being taken to hospital with back and neck injuries .
4 There was a sad sequel when Combermere , who was in third place at the time , shattered a hind leg on landing over the penultimate fence and had to be destroyed .
5 The generator which tried to make it to Low Birk Hatt Farm , to provide camera lights , turned over on its side and had to be hauled out by tractor .
6 Since then , his father had told both Thorkel and Otkel to take his son Paul with them whenever there was prospect of fighting , but there had never been anything worth speaking of , except an Icelandic trader who had n't paid his toll and had to be stopped in the Firth , or , once , a small flotilla of ships from Ireland that had fled when they saw them .
7 He fell off some scaffolding and had to be taken to the studio surgery .
8 A volunteers ' battalion , raised in June 1915 by the Mayor of Wandsworth , Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Archibald Downay , was entitled The 13th ( Volunteer ) Battalion and had on its badge the arms of Wandsworth in place of those of Guildford .
9 Nicky had ( and for all I know still has ) the reputation of being the best criminal defence lawyer at the Scottish bar and had on several occasions persuaded juries to acquit those whom he had every reason to believe were guilty .
10 The wagon smashed its wheel against a boulder and had to be abandoned .
11 He , and others like him , were answered by Rousseau , who argues that the social contract which established private property was really the origin of exploitation and had to be replaced by a new social contract .
12 She was receiving oxygen and had to be raised every 30 minutes to enable her to clear sputum from her lungs , a process with which the father assisted .
13 The birth was so difficult and took so long that she was starved of oxygen and had to be delivered by emergency caesarian .
14 Mahdi Mohammed was in agreement with the proposed UN deployment and had in fact , Sahnoun reported , called for the despatch of a 10,000-strong UN force .
15 Some were beyond help and had to be put to sleep ( which is always upsetting — it makes me mad ) .
16 The local children used to play in the cutting and had for a long time fancied the hut as a den or HQ for their games , but the hut was always locked by a large padlock securing a hasp that was red with rust but still secured the door .
17 As might have been expected from his career , he outstayed his welcome and had to be forced to retire from the post — a position previously rewarded with a peerage , but which for him only merited a knighthood .
18 The reason for this was that the fallen leaves blocked our sluice and had to be removed manually with a hay rake at least three times a day and often at night as well .
19 He felt as abject as a convalescent child and had to be helped up the three stone flights to his cell .
20 Much against the queen 's will , Alice Keppel insisted on seeing the dying king ; on being asked to leave the death chamber , she made an embarrassing scene and had to be escorted out .
21 Also , in June 1940 the concept of airborne forces was , as far as the British Army was concerned , at its very inception and had about it the fearfulness of the unknown .
22 Tietmeyer was on the board of the Bundesbank and had until 1988 been an economic adviser to Chancellor Helmut Kohl [ see also p. 36497 ] .
23 Efforts to improve matters by raising prices and reducing subsidies led to open resistance and had to be rescinded .
24 She has a tendency to hug herself tightly when grappling with a question , and at one point , when I asked her how she saw herself in the future , grown up and faced with decisions about her own children , she panicked for an instant and had to be consoled by the female interpreter .
25 By this time the wiring was a complete write-off and had to be replaced during lengthy repairs .
26 ‘ Then he got injured in a field and had to be off for a year , but everything seems to be going well now .
27 For many Conservative MPs the message seemed all too clear : Mrs Thatcher was now an electoral liability and had to be replaced before the next election .
28 But in France and England , by the early twelfth century , it was generally expected that the vassal would pay an ‘ aid ’ when the lord was captured in war and had to be ransomed , when his eldest son was knighted , and when his eldest daughter was married .
29 I got my Chelsea ticket through the post and had to be restrained from ripping it up by my girlfriend .
30 But the killing of Professor Khan , no doubt at the hands of Zionist agents , and a letter bomb to one of his scientists at Tuwaithah , that was crisis and had to be confronted .
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