Example sentences of "[noun sg] be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sort of girls who would quickly come to the fore are the sort of Malory-Towers-Swallows-and-Amazons type ; practical down to earth and capable , but there would probably be many unlike that who would be perfectly handless when it came to organisation and practicalities .
2 Until comparatively recently this hope looked greatly at odds with the realities of international law which was prepared to acknowledge the sovereignty and hence the legality of states whose boundaries or existence are the result of force , uphold treaties imposed by coercion , and in general allow that war is an international sphere .
3 Other frequently reiterated problems with community service provision are the absence of effective collaboration between the different service agencies ( see Wright et al , 1988 ) , and the related fact that services tend to be delivered in a piecemeal and fragmented way without coordination at service delivery level ( see for example Challis and Davies , 1980 ) .
4 Other circumstances which may amount to frustration of a booking contract are the flooding of the hotel so as to make it uninhabitable or its destruction by fire .
5 The people who make up this brain drain are the backbone of the transnational capitalist class , the class whose political role is to persuade co-nationals that their interests are identical with , or at least best served by , those of the TNCs .
6 Closely allied to our aims and ethos are the School 's pastoral system and support network .
7 Such lapses from liberal democratic ethos are the legacy of feudalism , not intrinsic features of bourgeois democracy .
8 Answer guide : Needs identified in the text are the need for information to enable management to carry out its duties and responsibilities in terms of stewardship , planning , control and decision making .
9 From afar , the two most striking buildings in the park are the Observatory and the replica Eiffel Tower .
10 The principal factors giving rise to the change are the reduction in the workforce and revised pension arrangements agreed with Waterford Crystal employees .
11 Instinct , trial and error , and incremental change are the essence of the English approach to problem-solving .
12 Disagreements at the ( rightward ) effortful levels of allegory and fiction are the basis of literary criticism .
13 The people who know about the potential effect of a blanket ban are the tobacco manufacturers and they are not so sanguine about the prospect , threatening to pull their plants out of Britain if the ban comes into force .
14 British notions of equity and fair play are evidence not of a modernized , but of a traditional , undifferentiated legal system , in that equity and fair play are the language of the field of power , of friend versus foe .
15 Often very soft owing to a high whey content Cheese , Soft p69/ Cheeses of the Brie and Camembert types , made from uncut curds which are allowed to drain naturally Cheese , the nutritive value of p88 Cheesecake , Rich Chocolate p77 Cheesemaking p93–5 Cheeses , Blue p97 Cheese , Goat 's milk p96 Cheeses , Hard p72/ A group including some very hard varieties such as Parmesan , but also Cheddar Cheeses , Semi-hard p70/ Probably the largest group of cheeses , including many traditional British varieties Cheeses , Sheep 's or Ewes ' milk p96 Chicken Pilaf p57 Chinese Egg Noodles p52/ Thin dried noodles reconstituted in boiling water , used for Eastern Cookery Chocolate p77/ The refined product of the cocoa plant Chocolate Biscuit Loaf , Italian p78 Chocolate Cheesecake p77 Chorizos p14/ Spicy sausages used extensively in Spanish and Mexican cookery Clam Sauce for pasta p82 Cocktail Tartlets , Tartlets in a Hurry p113 Cocoa p77/ Cocoa butter and cocoa powder are the basis of the chocolate industry , and are extracted from the beans of the cocoa plant Coffee p32/ A drink prepared from the berries of the tropical coffee plant Coffee , types of p34 Creamed Leek & Chilli Sauce p82 Currants p61
16 While explanations at the molecular level are the aim , much of this book will still look at embryos at the cellular level , reflecting the current state of knowledge .
17 As far as we are aware , treatment with thymectomy has not been reported in Crohn 's disease , although drugs that change the immune response are the mainstay of treatment for both Crohn 's disease and ulcerative colitis .
18 There again , perhaps the virgin births and artificial insemination are the start of something very different .
19 He now appreciates that the combination of a physically abused child 's abnormally low weight , under-stimulation and the general lack of competent parenting are the indicia of predictive child abuse .
20 Bare patches at the hedge base are the result of excessive height , uncontrolled weed growth or a hedge profile which obstructs light from filtering down .
21 Will the Minister recognise that some of the benefits that he announced this afternoon are the result of cross-subsidy from the dirty , sleazy pornographic phone calls that he and his colleagues have encouraged for some time ?
22 One source of help and support are the Family Service Units , which run schemes of all kinds to help needy families , giving advice on benefits , debt and legal problems , community education programmes , literacy schemes and activity groups for under-fives .
23 Praise and support are the food and drink of innovation and are so often undervalued .
24 Related to negligence are the product liability provisions contained in the Consumer Protection Act 1987 .
25 All other plans ( outside London and the old metropolitan county areas where ‘ unitary ’ plans now operate ) are local plans and the great majority are the responsibility of the districts who prepare district plans for their whole area or local plans for smaller parts of it .
26 She was not accustomed to ask questions , and obeyed ; Dinah accompanied her , saw her seated in the chair , the anaesthetic given , and the extraction begun ; then for the first time let her own mind admit the possibility that Paul 's illness might have some such origin , that she herself had in that case been the wife of a syphilitic for years , and might have caught it ; that she might lose her face or her mind ; that Robin had inherited it ; and now —
27 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
28 The greatest improvement of all has of course been the removal of the old climate of repression and fear .
29 The most publicised aspect of recent anti-viral research has of course been the work on interferon — part of the body 's natural defence against viruses .
30 The firms taking part are the Bank of Scotland , Gartmore Money Management , and the Norwich & Peterborough and Skipton building societies .
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