Example sentences of "[noun sg] be look for " in BNC.

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1 Easter , eight o'clock , half-seven my brother and sister are looking for Easter eggs in the house .
2 HOUSE builders in the North West are looking for the Government to do more to stimulate sales and economic growth .
3 ‘ The Jockey Club are looking for action and I hope what I devise will be practical and can be implemented . ’
4 Bronwydd Cricket Club are looking for players to join their tour to Paris from July 25–31 where they will play four games .
5 Now the club are looking for a player of your capabilities .
6 ‘ The Occupational therapy department are looking for things to put on the wall , whereas for the elderly patients themselves , it is just the process of working that they find enjoyable .
7 If the record is not on the centre track the first or last track will be searched , depending on a comparison of the key being looked for with the highest key on the track .
8 An answer came from Huddersfield , where the Town Football Club were looking for an assistant to their secretary-manager Ambrose Langley , who had partnered Chapman 's brother at Hull before the war .
9 THE Northern Ireland School 's Football Association is looking for talented young players for the coming international season .
10 The corollary for the trainer is to look for patterns which exist in complex material and introduce the trainee to the patterns as well as to the separate facts .
11 The Commerce Department is looking for the book market to expand markedly up to 1997 , achieving average annual growth rated of 3.5% in constant dollars throughout the period .
12 And she had one or two hires including higher art and then somebody said oh that would be good for the P R department is looking for staff so she now is doing a superb job running a marketing operation , editing an internal newspaper it all herself and erm all of that I taught her , now I want to move her on to the stage where she can get professional recognition for this , now that is what I call an absolute beginner
13 The transparent ‘ honesty ’ with which he will say good and bad about the people he 's worked with and around has always to be taken as having a ‘ point of view ’ ; that ‘ point of view ’ is governed by what Niki is looking for at any particular moment .
14 Corroboration is looked for in practice and the following circumstances will usually amount to corroboration :
15 Along with luck , this is the scarce commodity which no one in the music business can manufacture and which everyone in the industry is looking for .
16 As there is no confidence in the supply of milk , the dairy processing industry is looking for new ways of selling dairy products .
17 The president was looking for at least a four or five-year breathing space before the United States had to confront the implications of a sterling crisis and a British withdrawal from East of Suez .
18 Mr Salmond may well be right in supposing that Labour 's Scottish high command was looking for an excuse to wriggle out of its reluctant commitments to constitutional co-operation .
19 If the Club was to look for a return on its money , as any other investing institution would , the criteria for that return would be two fold ; a boom in the popularity of tennis at grass roots level and/or impressive results at international level .
20 Mr Hely Hutchinson said that Headline was looking for UK-based acquisitions that offered quality and enhanced shareholder value .
21 YOU have to wonder what the Bush administration was looking for when it set out , in early 1989 , to find a new chairman for the National Endowment for the Arts .
22 Knowing what I do now [ he says ] , I think the DIA was looking for a way to get me back to Beirut to salvage what it could from the Asmar wreck .
23 The Reuters poll shows only 5 p.c. of dealers expect an outright Tory victory , while a similar proportion are looking for a clear Labour majority .
24 those seeking work were looking for the same kinds of jobs as those that had found it ;
25 The Sun is looking for fuel
26 XSoft is looking for high-volume distribution and has cut deals with Qualix Inc and Sun Microsystems Inc to provide the software free of charge for an initial 30-day trial basis .
27 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
28 The village show committee is looking for new recruits .
29 The main emphasis of the plan is to look for small and inexpensive solutions , and it places the onus on governments in the East to take steps that make economic sense .
30 The lady is looking for a husband and she has been about the world sufficiently to know that I am not one of those .
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