Example sentences of "[noun sg] be also the " in BNC.

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1 Ironically , this means that the most exciting objects for play are also the simplest and the cheapest .
2 The Houses of Parliament are also the final arbiters of the tenure of office of judges of the Supreme Court .
3 The East Anglian side were also the culprits the last time Atkinson hit an all-time low , when Ipswich beat his West Brom side in the 1978 FA Cup semi-finals .
4 The widespread belief that the limbic system is the substrate of emotion is also the result of an accident , in that Papez 's theory of emotion was not justified by the evidence available at the time and there are other , equally acceptable , interpretations of the effects of limbic system damage .
5 Spring is also the ideal time to do all those jobs you have been putting off all winter .
6 Except that already it is not quite that simple , since the post-modern sophisticate is also the critic of these other , negative ways of relating to the other ; he or she is the one who diagnoses their social and psychic economies .
7 The progression from the molecule to the cell is also the leap from the non-living to the living world .
8 Is it any wonder then that the Western way of eating is also the Western way of dying .
9 Antares in the Scorpion is also the centre of a line of three , but the colour-difference alone means that there can be no confusion ; Antares is fiery red .
10 The supply curve SS for the competitive film industry is also the marginal cost of films .
11 Yet the ‘ street-level ’ bureaucrat is also the representative of a government agency , one that is itself subject to conflicting pressures .
12 Labour is also the most difficult energy form to control .
13 A horse is also the subject of a painting jointly executed by George Stubbs and George Barret .
14 Disappointment was also the reaction of Sealink British Ferries , whose parent company Sea Containers is currently fighting a $1.036 billion bid from Temple Holdings which would involve the UK ferry business ending up in Swedish hands if it succeeds .
15 However , the time zone niche was also the basis for LIFFE 's introduction of US T-bond futures in 1986 and Japanese bond futures in 1988 .
16 Discussing how practitioners can not only be involved in research , but may conduct research studies themselves , with many potential pay-offs for workers , managers , agencies and the field , the writers suggest : The importance of the integral relationship between research and practice was also the subject of discussion by Lord Rothschild , head of the Central Policy Review Staff whose paper ‘ The organisation and management of Government research and development ’ ( 1971 ) did much to lay the foundations of the structure of research in the public sector .
17 Although we believe that all birds and bats must have a common ancestor if we trace their lineages back far enough , that common ancestor was also the common ancestor of all mammals ( including ourselves ) and all birds .
18 Yet psychic talent was also the hope of the future , of a galaxy in which the human race , free and strong , could defend itself mentally .
19 Until the manner in which such goods are dispersed within regions is better understood we can only assume , at present , that places with very high consumption are also the points of distribution where a paramount controlled such prestige exchange , consuming most locally and allowing the passage of a little to other places .
20 It is important to remember , however , that explanations of this type are also the stock-in-trade of such subjects as demography and criminology , which aim to establish generalisations relating social factors to human behaviour .
21 The puzzle is fascinating and very probably irresolvable ; but anthropologists need to remember that the roots of morality are also the roots of prejudice and intolerance .
22 That proposal is also the preferred option of Israel 's Likud coalition government — as Levy , the Israeli foreign minister , made clear on a recent visit to Washington .
23 Perhaps in attacking child removal the kinship defenders have mostly in mind cases where the biological parent is also the psychological parent , albeit an inadequate one .
24 The museum is also the place where the closest consideration can be given to the troublesome problems of fakes and other forms of inauthenticity .
25 Or rather : these planners started from a wrong assumption that the maximum rate of accumulation is also the optimum rate .
26 The South is also the most optimistic about economic prospects over the next year , although there is no evidence of a significant upturn in spending , while savings are ‘ becoming less attractive ’ because of lower interest rates and the feeling that the worst of the recession and increase in jobless is over .
27 The Green Lady is also the subject of an oil painting ; a portrait of herself in a green dress which the Spanish lady gave to the Bolle family as a gift .
28 Brilliant staging is also the key to CYRANO DE BERGERAC ( Theatre Royal , Haymarket ) — that and a remarkable performance by Robert Lindsay ( aka Citizen Smith ) .
29 Where the board of an exchange is also the board of directors , similar obligations arise by virtue of the director 's duty of good faith to his company .
30 Valnet is also the president of the Societé Française de Phytotherapie et d'Aromatherapie .
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