Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Clients booking half board are served their evening meal at the Hotel Neuhaus .
2 Clients booking half board are served their evening meal at the Hotel St. Georg .
3 I am satisfied that it can not be said that section 6(2) is unworkable if the words of that provision are given their wide general meaning .
4 If you actually you actually look at the front of the building there 's a great deal of money been spent there 's been new flower er boxes put out there .
5 But labour has consequences for consciousness in that rules for instrumental action are developed which enable the subject to have a measure of control over nature through the use of tools .
6 Although the lesions that produce the speech loss are localized it would be a mistake to assume that their effects are similarly restricted .
7 Two members of the French side were given their marching orders and have since received substantial suspensions .
8 The 91 patients in Soutar & Wilson 's study were asked their opinion about the effect of noise on sleep and of the 28 who admitted that sleep was more difficult in hospital than at home , only 9 said it was because of the noise .
9 In fact , if that result were repeated we would hold all our 28 seats and gain four more from Labour .
10 But if force were used it would be lawful force and that could not itself be a breach of the peace , which implies illegality .
11 Then Braque has capitalized on the element of ambiguity in the Demoiselles ( it is not immediately clear for instance whether the leg of the ‘ demoiselle ’ on the left is the far leg or the near leg , and the lower part of the twisted forearm of the squatting figure is left undefined ) as a means of emphasizing the flatness of the canvas he was working on : the far buttock of the Nu is connected to the foremost leg and heightened in tone so that it appears to stand in front of the nearer part of the figure ; if the outline of the neck were extended it would not join the shoulder naturalistically but pass by its outer edge , and the fact that the outline is deliberately broken allows the neck , shoulder and arm to flow into each other and fuse .
12 Certainly , the judge had indicated in the earlier argument that if such a submission were made he would reject it .
13 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
14 One fella were told they did his erm summat to his engine and it blew up did n't it ?
15 Where more than one remedy is required they can be given in sequence , one at a time , a certain length of time apart — one every ten minutes , for example , or one every half hour .
16 When a functional association is declared it has then to be checked and maintained .
17 As mentioned above , a comprehensive programme should be prepared for the whole job , but when the contractor is appointed he will prepare his own contract programme and there will inevitably be a need to adjust the surveyor 's programme in order to harmonise with the activities of the contractor .
18 Since in some building projects it is impossible to define the extent of the work in advance , a number of forms of agreement are available where the contractor is reimbursed his costs for carrying out the work .
19 If the cost is less than the target figure the contractor is paid his costs , plus his target profit , plus a proportion of the cost saving .
20 If a guest history card is kept it will brought up to date ( Fig. 3.35 ) .
21 And when the deal is completed it will send Souness 's spending on players in seven years as a manager through the £30m mark to an incredible £31.5m .
22 Unless a deal is done which reduces subsidies and makes agricultural trade subject to normal GATT rules , they say they will block progress on freeing trade in services and rewriting international rules governing intellectual property .
23 But Mr Hooke says until the deal is closed he will continue to try to put his bid before BAe 's board .
24 But Mr Hooke says until the deal is closed he will continue to try to put his bid before BAe 's board .
25 An experiment is reported which investigates the impact of two variables on the likelihood of obtaining plural pronoun anaphors in a continuation task .
26 A President is appointed who is responsible for the overall operation of the system .
27 the longest side is called what ?
28 When we say when we say that that we stage door club is closed it closed in the place it 's not open every evening but we do actually let it out we let it out to companies and whatever conference or companies who want a facility or meeting place something we do actually market that and we do actually ask people if they want to use it and in fact it has been taken up there .
29 According to the hon. Member for Sedgefield , once a programme is introduced it must carry on for ever , regardless of whether it is the most effective way of achieving those aims .
30 Hopefully the IRB will make sure this time that a commercial agent is appointed who can take advantage of their enormous opportunities now on offer .
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