Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Over the decade since 1973 the main features of the energy demand reduction are the 36% fall in oil consumption , the 66% rise in gas consumption and the 80% increase in nuclear power consumption .
2 The sort of girls who would quickly come to the fore are the sort of Malory-Towers-Swallows-and-Amazons type ; practical down to earth and capable , but there would probably be many unlike that who would be perfectly handless when it came to organisation and practicalities .
3 Editor , — The results of A Esmail and S Everington 's study on racial discrimination are no surprise .
4 Thus the delicious Scandinavian dishes that frequently crop up among the traditional English farmhouse cuisine are no surprise in the menu .
5 The , the mechanisms of defence are a concept which overlaps , and to some extent replaces , repression .
6 So , repression , it 's not that Freud dropped the concept of repression but that he elaborated it and made it much more sophisticated , and the mechanisms of defence are the means , you could say they 're the means by which er repression erm comes about .
7 So erm the mechanisms of defence are the means that the ego uses to stop itself being worried by any , anything that might seem to , that might seem to throw them .
8 But the Prime Minister and the Chancellor have said that this unemployment and recession are a price well worth paying .
9 Until comparatively recently this hope looked greatly at odds with the realities of international law which was prepared to acknowledge the sovereignty and hence the legality of states whose boundaries or existence are the result of force , uphold treaties imposed by coercion , and in general allow that war is an international sphere .
10 In neither case are the conditions to which the product may be subjected precisely known .
11 The flights that circle Kabul every quarter of an hour are a morale booster for the hard-pressed population .
12 Other frequently reiterated problems with community service provision are the absence of effective collaboration between the different service agencies ( see Wright et al , 1988 ) , and the related fact that services tend to be delivered in a piecemeal and fragmented way without coordination at service delivery level ( see for example Challis and Davies , 1980 ) .
13 In the other direction are the boutiques , cafés and bars of Gabicce .
14 Mr Molland and the vicar are the trustees .
15 Cultural and educational inequalities based on economic inequality are a reality which needs to be revealed and not glossed over by a populist notion of art for the people .
16 Indeed , one wonders if the play was written as a conservative response to the controversy , since it directly addresses the most challenging claim or implication of the radical transvestite , namely , that gender division and inequality are a consequence not of divine or natural law but of social custom .
17 And tricky topics like mailmerging and label printing are a doddle .
18 Enquiries before contract are a method of ascertaining as much practical information as possible from the seller about the property to be bought .
19 Other circumstances which may amount to frustration of a booking contract are the flooding of the hotel so as to make it uninhabitable or its destruction by fire .
20 The many continents of the planet Marinus are the settings for this six part adventure as the Doctor 's party find themselves on a quest to locate the missing keys to the Conscience of Marinus .
21 The people who make up this brain drain are the backbone of the transnational capitalist class , the class whose political role is to persuade co-nationals that their interests are identical with , or at least best served by , those of the TNCs .
22 Closely allied to our aims and ethos are the School 's pastoral system and support network .
23 Such lapses from liberal democratic ethos are the legacy of feudalism , not intrinsic features of bourgeois democracy .
24 Answer guide : Needs identified in the text are the need for information to enable management to carry out its duties and responsibilities in terms of stewardship , planning , control and decision making .
25 From afar , the two most striking buildings in the park are the Observatory and the replica Eiffel Tower .
26 so that erm more or less Salisbury Park are the people who really Th they said that whatever the decision , decision they make , they would fall in with them .
27 Reorganization and change are a feature of the switched-on company , but the reorganizations and changes come from recognized broad strategic needs and are explicable .
28 The principal factors giving rise to the change are the reduction in the workforce and revised pension arrangements agreed with Waterford Crystal employees .
29 Instinct , trial and error , and incremental change are the essence of the English approach to problem-solving .
30 In the churchyard are the graves of two young railwaymen killed in 1840 by a boiler explosion at Bromsgrove Station on the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway .
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