Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Gall bladder emptying was restored to eight of 10 patients managed with an acutely inflamed gall bladder and to 11 of 13 patients with non-function because of a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch ( Table II ) .
2 Yet in intellectual and to some extent in practical terms her attitudes were overwhelmingly conservative .
3 He wanted to settle , once and for all , the question of whether Riddle had made his last journey inside the Wheel and for that reason he was resolved to have it closely examined by an expert .
4 None the less , the attention they have rightly drawn to parochial religion and to non-predestinarian elements within the church should not be allowed to obscure the fact that during the period from 1560 to 1625 credal predestinarianism claimed the allegiance of the great majority of Elizabethan and Jacobean churchmen , or that during the 1630s this creed came under a concerted and unprecedented attack from the ecclesiastical authorities .
5 The last Empress , a German , was more Russian than peasant Russians in her devotion to Orthodox religion and to unorthodox holy men .
6 Myres believed that ‘ it should be possible to extract … some valuable information on the origin and distribution of the settlers , their relationship to the pre-existing population , their social and economic development , and their notions of religion and of decorative art ’ ( 1969 , p. 11 ) , although only the first and last of these aims were satisfied to any degree via the pottery .
7 They continue to have an impact on women 's involvement in public religion and on social attitude towards ‘ the female ’ .
8 She found faith in her religion and at last died happy having been an inspiration to many people in her community .
9 He was very preoccupied with religion and at any hour of day or night might summon Alvares for a religious discussion .
10 He then spent eleven years in Leeds , first as curate at St Peter 's ( 1932–8 ) , during which he obtained an MA in the history and philosophy of religion and in Chinese studies at Leeds University , then as vicar of St Matthew 's , Holbeck .
11 It is obvious that image is important , both to the young woman concerned with her self-image and to those involved in promoting a certain kind of image , a certain look .
12 The other , hand-written , was similar : ‘ Lib Dem supporter voting Labour to kick Tory out in Croydon NW and for electoral reform . ’
13 None can work well in isolation and for that reason it is reassuring that the CBI , in pressing its case for the TECs to be the local regulators of vocational training , stresses the importance of the young person 's ( and the adult worker 's ) " personal file " , building on the existing good practice of records of achievement in schools .
14 Other techniques may also be used , both in isolation and in various combinations .
15 In short , we still have to deal with a harmonic problem — the satisfactory effect of note-combinations both in isolation and in horizontal movement .
16 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
17 He took the remedy and within ten minutes was fast asleep again .
18 But in fact many of the twelfth-century popes spent years in exile and between 1162 and 1188 Rome was only possessed by the papacy at intervals .
19 ‘ We 're being listened to and referred to by the Water Research Centre , by the Environment Council , by the Royal Yachting Association and by other local MPs .
20 ‘ Humpty Dumpty Haypot ’ , as Hayman was known by his colleagues , on account of his naked domed head , at once resigned his directorships , from the South Oxfordshire Conservative Association and from various charity committees — though he remained a member of the Travellers ' Club in Pall Mall and of MCC .
21 In 1903 it was deserted by the master stevedores , who formed their own association and in 1913 a new organization came into being , the Employers ' Association of the Port of Liverpool , which stood aloof from the National Maritime Board until it was reconstituted after the first world war .
22 We have been very grateful to the Scottish Sports Association and in particular to Jim Wylie and Hammy Smith for their support and interest in this area of work .
23 She was honorary secretary of the Schoolmistresses ' Association and in 1867 its president .
24 While much of the thinking during drowsiness maybe humdrum , as experiments involving waking people up during this state have shown , there are undoubtedly some unusual characteristics of style of thinking and of dreamlike imagery during drowsiness .
25 In early development there are styles of thinking and of social interaction that could constrain the design and management of computer-based resources .
26 a local government official , lawyer , accountant , banker , customs broker , labor contractor and in most cases the owner of factory land and buildings .
27 In the face of such unmitigated evil , the reaction of the community and the Government is one of grief and of righteous anger ; but I and my colleagues are absolutely determined that it must also be one of resolute and vigorous action .
28 The policy relied on the government being able to meet its borrowing requirements through persuading the public to take up successive issues of government loan stock and through internal ( or technically known as departmental ) support .
29 However , with their emphasis on rehabilitation of stock and on area-wide environmental improvements , GIAs had a relatively limited impact , and only about 5 per cent of grants since 1969 have been issued within these areas .
30 Also , to use a light-pen system would require production of a database of the total library stock and of individual users .
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