Example sentences of "[noun sg] [am/are] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Closely linked to the issues concerning this form of representation and visibility are the attitudinal issues — the attitudes towards women in such positions , and our own attitudes , as women in those positions , towards our positions and towards other women .
2 Handpainted wallpapers , a round room and a galleried landing with cupola are the main features of the Georgian part of the house .
3 But good planning and advance preparation are the best way to ensure the move is as efficient and trouble-free as possible .
4 Peregrines executing a dive are the fastest animals in the world , but at this time of year they are particularly vulnerable to attack while they are displaying and setting up breeding territories .
5 The most recent studies suggest that more than a third of employers discriminate against black applicants for jobs , and that levels of discrimination are the same for Asian and Afro-Caribbean applicants , for men and women , and vary little between job categories , although previous studies have documented higher levels of racial discrimination in relation to unskilled manual jobs ( Brown and Gay , 1985 ; Smith , 1977 ) .
6 Lack of interest and meagre funding are the feeble pillars of British and American official attitudes to the display of art at Expo ‘ 92 which opens in Seville towards the end of this month ( 20 April-12 October ) .
7 Changes in research management and research funding are the likeliest causes of the changes in publication patterns .
8 Changes in research management and research funding are the likeliest causes of the changes in publication patterns .
9 For Southerners , a woman 's charm , mouth and hair are the key attractions .
10 Claims to privilege are the same as they would be on ordinary discovery .
11 The profit positions for the writers of options at the point of expiry are the exact opposite of those for the purchasers .
12 Behind these come what I have called the gybing straps , since these are used during the carve gybe , and at the back of the board are the two high wind straps , which can only be used in Force 4 or above .
13 The board are the only ones who can resolve that .
14 The reasons in each case are the same : the sheer weight of human expansion and overpopulation .
15 The principal victims or beneficiaries of this change of direction are the historic tied houses .
16 ( Critics argue that the most obvious signs of this freedom are the huge pay rises awarded by the directors of many privatised companies to themselves .
17 Under this category are the following .
18 Earnings in agriculture are the lowest of any industry covered by the Department of Employment 's six-monthly earnings surveys .
19 But food and agriculture are the original environmental issues .
20 Planting one of their cherry trees at Rotherfield Park are the 3rd Alton Beavers , pictured with leader Guy Bagshaw
21 The more difficult decisions under times of change are the longer-term or strategic decisions for the corporation rather than the shorter-term , mainly operational , decisions .
22 Complexity and change are the predominant factors in the English landscape ; the above examples are no , exceptional and similar instances can be found in all the English counties .
23 This is not meant to imply that the details of the interaction are the same in both proteins .
24 The ‘ limits ’ of the crossing are the alternate black and white stripes of the crossing itself .
25 The ‘ limits ’ of a crossing are the alternate black and white stripes of the crossing itself .
26 Within this framework are the primary movements to cover every angle and direction of attack and defence .
27 At a greater distance from the throne are the inferior nobles , also standing in the same posture of profound reverence .
28 This is also true of so-called ‘ simple ’ schizophrenia , where poverty of speech and thought , apathy , and flat emotional response are the predominant features .
29 Bleach are the first truly mind-boggling band ever to come from Ipswich , an archetypal Suffolk market town , once home of Bobby Robson and erm , that 's it .
30 Begun in the 1220's , two powerful towers on a crag are the dominant features of this castle , which stands above a deep gorge overlooking the River Teifi , famed for its coracle fishermen .
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