Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Charlton co-manager Alan Curbishley admitted that his side were on a worrying downward trend but pointed out : ‘ In the last three years we have sold players worth more than £4 million and spent only Pounds 450,000 .
2 When the AA van arrived they informed him they could not take his car home unless he or his girlfriend were in the recovery van .
3 And the secular armies which established her hegemony for her on the Continent were in no position to undertake a full-scale military campaign against Ireland .
4 Do you know the American President and his adviser were in the malai capital at the time ? ’
5 Boar 's head and jugged hare were among the contemporary dishes served in front of the company 's original 18th-century shop front in Cornhill , which now stands in the museum .
6 However , the truth will out and in each of the 72 National Bus Company sell-offs those who keep an eye on the industry were in a strong position to find out what was paid .
7 If British industry were in the same powerful position as German industry , I might be a little more relaxed about economic monetary union , but I am worried about the time at which we are entering into new commitments .
8 Millett J had to deal with the argument that it would be a breach of the covenant if the defendant were during the remainder of the period of restraint , to solicit any business of any kind from any company which happened to have been a customer of the plaintiff company during the relevant period .
9 5 of the bulls up for auction were from the Lower Hope estate near Leominster .
10 The company initially expressed doubts as to their liability to duty but were informed that the revenue were of the opinion that the duties were payable and that they would incur penalties if they did not pay .
11 The Inland Revenue were of the view " that if income had been paid away it could not be " relevant income " " because it would not be available for providing a benefit " .
12 ‘ At first I was dazzled , and covered my eyes , and there did n't seem the smallest change ; the roar of the Strand and the roar of the reef were like the same : hark to it now , and you can near the cabs and buses rolling and the streets resound . ’
13 equipment , particularly in regard to such matters as route board brackets and the destination boxes on the ends of the car were of the L.C.C .
14 During the noisy thirty-fifth anniversary celebrations , when Deng Xiaoping and his reform programme were at the peak of their popularity , few voices of dissent could be heard .
15 Cups of half-finished tea were on the floor beside their chairs .
16 Around one quartr of the children in this study were below the third percentile for weight suggesting an association between cryptosporidiosis and failure to thrive , as described in other centres .
17 Mines which were primarily of gold or silver were in a different category entirely , however .
18 Given the government 's commitment to control public expenditure and reduce taxation , her main troubles in the first term were with the major spending departments and with ministers who favoured some further reflation to ease unemployment .
19 Anxiety , weakness , oppression and constriction in the chest ; sensation as if a great weight were on the chest .
20 Originally , projections for West German investment were in the range of DM120 billion ; actual investment has been only DM13 million .
21 Approximately half the force were from the Commonwealth — Aussies , Canadians , New Zealanders , South Africans , Rhodesians and even from as far afield as Hong Kong , Fiji and the West Indies , this all made for healthy competition .
22 Body and mind were among the contraries to be reconciled , and the true union of opposites was always preceded by bitter conflict .
23 Communications , security and the maintenance of the entire complex were in the hands of Russian officers under contract to the Iraqi government .
24 The group remaining in Shakang Harbour were in a sad state , confined in a small space in a filthy harbour , with fishing boats leaking diesel and oil onto the surface of the water and continual dumping of rubbish , particularly plastics , from the shore .
25 FIVE prisoners being tried in connection with the Strangeways riot were on the run last night after escaping from a court .
26 The first lots to come into the ring were for the annual lease of ewes .
27 Is there any joint and seems light , if the light were on the light catches them and you can see all the
28 The main areas of fighting were in the north-western provinces of Battambang ( especially in the Sisophon area ) , Banteay Meanchey and Siem Reap-Oddar Meanchey ( especially around Chikreng ) , but the guerrillas , dominated militarily by the Khmer Rouge component , also claimed victories in Kampot and Kompong Speu in the south and in the central provinces of Kompong Chhnang and Kompong Thom , especially around Kompong Svay and Stoung .
29 Is it because we will point out that the consultants , general practitioners , radiographers , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , the Ayrshire local health council , all four district councils and the four Members of Parliament who bothered to make a submission were against the proposal to opt out — that all those 200 submissions were against it ?
30 In this connection we may even talk of rules of language , as if a linguistic practice were like a game .
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