Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] down [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Anya flops down next to Rainbow , on the car-seat settee .
2 We cut clean wheel tracks down quiet , wet roads , running through small , cold towns .
3 And it is here , in the ‘ thinking ’ , we are told , that the programme falls down due to the ‘ lack of connection between reality and what you saw on the screen ( Charles Catchpole , News of the World , 26 June 1988 ) .
4 This study sets down some navigation buoys for the course between the Scylla of growing research costs , and the Charybdis of cuts in national science budgets .
5 As heat continues to be produced in the core , so air in the loft flows down these flues , drawn by the coolness of the cellar beneath .
6 I 'm just going to park the car well away from the house , just in case this wind brings down any of the roof . ’
7 Especially management goes down ill or something .
8 the sun goes down red and resentful
9 In it , a group of star economists , including Sir Alan Walters , Mrs Thatcher 's personal adviser , showed how , in any stream of traffic , every additional vehicle slows down those already there — and that the slower the speed of the traffic stream being joined , the greater the hindrance caused by every joining vehicle .
10 Every time he found one he held all the flapping notices down one by one , and read through lists of hockey teams , and announcements of meetings to be held by religious societies .
11 Section 10(9) of the Children Act lays down specific criteria which the court must apply when an applicant seeks leave to apply for a s8 order ( see pp171-172 ) .
12 Tory-controlled Westminster City Council lays down strict rules for elected persons .
13 ‘ Write it down in your notebook : loony Left teacher shouts down Prime Minister , ’ he advised me .
14 The inclusion of a joke , suitably disguised pupil howler or cartoon on a regular basis breaks down any heaviness in the letter .
15 From the rim , the eye travels down sixteen layers of rock , passing through bands of maroon , pink , russet , vermilion , green , to the grey granite and black schist immediately above the river .
16 The Disclosure Directive lays down minimum disclosure requirements throughout the EC and is aimed at improving the transparency of the securities markets .
17 No 37669 in early Railfreight grey livery brings down English China Clays train , consisting newly introduced CDA wagons , into Lostwithiel station on 6 May 1988 .
18 When the mist comes down many areas like the Somerset Levels take on a sinister and unreal appearance
19 Each numbered block counts down nearer to destruction when you walk over it .
20 ‘ My daughter lives down that way .
21 The Law Society lays down minimum salaries , below which the trainee solicitor normally can not be paid .
22 The salary will naturally depend on the size and range of work of the practice in which the trainee solicitor is articled , but The Law Society sets down recommended minimum salaries and can refuse to register articles where the salary is less than this figure .
23 The artist puts down less what he sees than what he knows is there .
24 As the soft white clinging mist rack swirls down corry and glade ,
25 From the small paved area near the house a path leads down one side of the garden , giving access to the rotary drier and flanking the small lawn that is built up from a strong flowing curve , this helping to lead the eye away from those rectangular boundaries .
26 My lasting impressions of Plas-yn-Rhiw are of the great clumps of Fuchsia magellanica , its soft hazes of scarlet toning so well with the grey wall ; of an old pear tree and forsythia growing through the roof of the ruined dairy ; of the superb Magnolia campbellii mollicomata , planted by the Keatings in 1947 ; and of squeezing between box hedges down narrow grass passageways and ducking under arching pink rhododendrons and car-mine camellias as I followed the curving stone and cobbled paths .
27 Baker 's yeast breaks down some of the indigestible phytic acid in wheat and generates carbon dioxide in the process , causing the bread to rise .
28 Although both ‘ Bomber ’ Smith and the engineers hoped that in time they would be able to bring construction times down nearer to three years ( from the beginning of work on site to the commissioning of the first sets ) , the time actually taken was typically five or more years .
29 It is often said that as one market slows down another opens up and all is not doom and gloom .
30 Although we can specify types of people , e.g. computer scientists , typographers , editors , publishers , and more generally scientists versus humanists , much of the current technology breaks down these specializations .
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