Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Answer guide : A creditor represents an amount owing by an enterprise to a third party .
2 Each of the other fundamental rights reveals an aspect of the value of private autonomy , whereas , in contrast , a right to enforce a contract involves an assertion of the justice of commandeering state power to curtail economic liberty and restrict autonomy .
3 The accusation that the adventure story offers an escape for adult readers implies that the escape is into a kind of second childhood or , at the least , suggests a limited expectation of a novel 's purpose .
4 Any such decision involves an attempt to equate the incommensurable .
5 The criteria for selection for reporting are that the case involves an issue of legal principle and contributes to the orderly development of the law .
6 The case involves an attack on PC Bob Holt in Cheltenham in January .
7 The case involves an attack on PC Bob Holt in January .
8 Thus the heat expelled by the computer 's cooling fan means that when a computer records an item in memory , the total amount of disorder in the universe still goes up .
9 The possibility that relative antral hypoacidity induced by regular smoking produces an increase in parietal cell mass via a feedback mechanism mediated by gastrin is discussed : such a mechanism would explain the previously reported positive correlation between maximal gastric secretion of acid and the total dose of cigarettes .
10 When the retailer receives an answer to his enquiry , giving the information he requested , he may decide to write to the manufacturer again , asking for a quotation for a large quantity of the product .
11 This course offers an MSc in surgical science , and those with a primary motivation towards an academic career will be able to proceed to PhD registration .
12 Teaching offers an escape route for the more fortunate members of the working classes . ’
13 The National Curriculum offers an opportunity for a school to engage in critical thinking about practice .
14 The theory of ideology offers an account of the role of knowledge in society that enables its analyses to operate as critique .
15 In practice this is unlikely , however , because changing the state of a cell is likely to involve energy consumption irrespective of whether the change involves an increase or decrease in activity .
16 This building has an entrance opening directly into the farmyard and many of the farm 's activities , such as manure collection , would have been concentrated in this area .
17 Ottawa-based Corel Corp has an OEM agreement with Compaq Computer Corp under which it will offer its CorelDraw graphics package through the new Compaq DirectPlus direct response marketing service : it will be sold separately to start with , but may be offered pre-installed later .
18 IBM Corp has an OEM pact for its RS/6000 and AIX Unix from employee-owned Versyss Inc , Westwood , Massachusetts , which will call it Solution/RISC .
19 UniTree , used primarily in the scientific world — Convex Computer Corp has an implementation and Floating Point Systems Inc picked it up before it turned up its toes — is an implementation of the IEEE Mass Storage Reference Model and automatically migrates files among disk and tape libraries .
20 And there is the factor that there is a need to diversify the economy of York generally erm and also erm to ensure that the new settlement has an employment component .
21 The Christian has an obligation to try to persuade the sinner to give up his or her sin but he has no right to prevent the determined sinner from following his chosen course .
22 Bourjois ' Cil 18 Heures Mascara , £3.79 , for instance contains an ingredient called a hydrophobic polymer which improves the mascara 's resistance to water , whilst Lancôme 's Definicil Mascara , £12 , has a brush made of a substance called Rislan designed to be extra gentle on your lashes .
23 Like Ali 's mom , Lonnie is light-skinned , splashed with a galaxy of freckles ; her hair has an aura of redness to it , and she is roundish and tall and strong .
24 It 's all well concealed and unless the auditor has an obligation to actually hunt this down , the kind of white hunter er er of the British economy er then er it wo n't be detected and the passive approach to audit such as the er audit practices board is recommending is simply a recipe for further disasters er and further audit failures .
25 This may be important in assessing how well a writer illustrates an argument .
26 ‘ The Prince has an authority over him he 'll not deny .
27 The Prince has an estate there . ’
28 So if the chart specifies an outbound time of , say , 2 minutes , this must be converted into a distance and flown at your estimated groundspeed .
29 My guitar has an undersaddle Ashworth transducer .
30 In the second the end user develops an idea for a new product that is beyond the present vision of the industry and brings it to the attention of a manufacturer or industry .
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