Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The new space has been designed by Tim Molloy of Malone Design who has separated the gallery from the surrounding Chinese , Japanese and Chinese Export displays by manipulation of gallery lighting rather than obtrusive design elements .
2 Arguably , where a parliamentary statement to establish parliamentary intention incorporates by reference other material , that material may also be admitted on a contextual basis .
3 If habituation occurs by reduction of the postsynaptic response at a single synapse , it could logically be a consequence of either pre- or postsynaptic processes , or of course a combination of both .
4 But a lot of evidence suggests that entry occurs by endocytosis — a well-documented process by which cells take up material from their environment .
5 Departing staff will be required to clear their desks and hand in their entry passes by midnight tonight .
6 The core of the research examines by way of in-depth interviews , the attitudes , roles , strategies and dilemmas of accountants , solicitors , barristers , tax consultants etc .
7 If an employee trades up to a more expensive model and the employer makes a charge , an output tax liability arises on the value of that charge , except where the employee pays by way of deduction from gross salary .
8 If the material is not at rest but under displacement u per unit time the equilibrium equation becomes by application of Newton 's second law .
9 The second method is to define review dates by reference to the anniversaries of the commencement of the lease .
10 A new family shampoo comes by way of Cuticura Medicated Shampoo , with an original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff .
11 It would not be easy to effect the transition that Labour suggests by Government sleight of hand .
12 When a horse communicates by sound it is not using language as we would expect it to .
13 But the major design change was to replace the aluminium flanges by steel ones .
14 However , the number of messages a horse conveys by sound alone is probably relatively limited .
15 It may be arguable that some part of the substance used does attach to the article cleaned , even if the rest is rinsed off , so that ownership in that part passes by adhesion to the article .
16 Even with this limitation , however , and even given the fact that the Court in this case says by way of principle little that it has not said in previous cases , one should not underestimate the impact of this new illustration of the Court 's conception of the reach of the Directive in terms of the nature of the activities it covers .
17 But according to a report by an observer from the US National Marine Fisheries Service , during a 6-week period in summer 1986 , a single Japanese squid vessel working in Alaskan waters killed 53 dolphins and porpoises and 14 fur seals by entanglement in its nets .
18 The Conservative Conference : Chancellor stands by interest rate strategy
19 Output is constant and can be infinitely varied within operating limits by vernier screws .
20 ‘ When wealth travels by river .
21 From time to time the accumulation escapes by seepage through the ground and , most visibly , through earth banks around the tip .
22 Against it , I shall argue first that what Quine means by verificationism is not the only empirical theory of meaning , and second that a theory which abandons atomism at the observational level in favour of a more complete holism would be generally preferable both for empiricists and for others .
23 The novel contains traces of an autobiographical plot-line in which a fictionalized young Federman comes by boat to America and meets his uncle in New York .
24 In this film , the plot comes by postcard .
25 A contract ends by performance when the terms of the contract have been performed by both parties , i.e. the hotelier has supplied the accommodation contracted for and the guest has paid the contract price for the accommodation services rendered .
26 During the summer , the society arranges field trips by coach for painting out of doors , visits to exhibitions and art galleries either for pure enjoyment or to broaden interests , lectures , demonstrations and criticism .
27 The nul curriculum exists by reason of the fact that it does not exist — it is what is conveyed by omission , avoidance , bypassing , as well as by ridiculing , criticizing , and putting-down .
28 The tiger kills by thunderbolt :
29 The company has been preparing to go public , a process the suit could have adversely affected , while at the same time it was believed to be object of some takeover desires by Unix System Laboratories ( UX No 396 ) .
30 Mr Pilkington was delighted and became such an enthusiast for air travel that he went on to make many more business trips by air , some of them as far afield as Australia .
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