Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [v-ing] at " in BNC.

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1 It had been one of those deep , deep sleeps ; the kind when you do n't know a thing until your mum starts yelling at you for the umpteenth time that you 're going to be late for school if you do n't get up .
2 Compulsory labour involves working at a site designated by the authorities , where prisoners are under surveillance and restricted in their movements .
3 Yes , on a Wednesday , this is the day when mummy goes teaching at school in the afternoon
4 I wish Kelvin was here ah ah ah Oh I hope the tape recorder can pick this up , because , erm The wind keeps coming at me I do n't even though why I 've come sho oh yeah , I wan na buy something , do n't I ? so what I say now to people , when they say something to me , I go I go and I say no actually I 'm not but never mind .
5 You state that ‘ Japan 's foreign-aid programme directs spending at infrastructure ( which companies can make money out of ) rather than technical health ( which they can not ) .
6 No Swindon fan likes looking at the league table just now but the Hammers have lost their last two and let in seven goals
7 Her most recent work implies looking at reality through a web of membranes which is in some way suggestive of the substance of the eye itself .
8 This sequence is carried out by hardware , which also checks that the stack pointer remains pointing at a location within the stack area .
9 Praxis believes once the independent software vendor community starts nibbling at its bait then the momentum behind ANDF will gather irreversible pace .
10 Transray convexity involves looking at cost behaviour in the vertical plane along ( say ) the line AB .
11 Another friend suggests jogging at 2200–2300 .
12 Planning involves translating at least some of the conclusions into a form where they can be put into action when next it is appropriate to do so .
13 The day 's cheese-making gets going at around 8am when Karen adds a specially prepared culture or ‘ starter ’ , which is designed to slowly increase the milk 's acidity .
14 ‘ Any bastard starts shooting at me , I 'll do the same back at him . ’
15 erm but I think the whole thing needs looking at again er and toughening up , made a little bit more convenient and I hope that er , I hope that you can do this , and this that this will not be our last opportunity within this document .
16 The susceptibility has already been spoken of but the assessment of a patient involves looking at their health on all levels , including physical , mental and emotional .
17 As shown earlier , calcium phosphate starts precipitating at a pH of about 6 .
18 The blade needs replacing at the moment it is snatching at the grass .
19 The tunnel idea keeps nagging at me , but the difficulty till now has been something to dig the concrete out with .
20 The extra-oral treatment requires processing at temperatures closer to the glass transition temperature where segmental mobility allows additional polymerisation .
21 London dumping convention curbs dumping at sea
22 Delia enjoys looking at portraits including dogs by Velasquez and Gainsborough .
23 On the one hand , the raising of the h = + 1 degeneracy permits self-pulsing at period tR , as described by Bonifacio and Lugiato { 7 } , whereas the Ikeda degeneracy splits to yield pulsing at 2tR/3 , 2tR/S , etc .
24 Technical mastery means feeling at ease in both types of situation .
25 The second stage involves working at the library shelves .
26 On Sunday April 26 , Britain 's first organic food market starts trading at Spitalfields in east London .
27 Moderation means drinking at a level which is enjoyable and harmless , without suffering from short-term drunkenness or long-term health hazards .
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