Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] the same " in BNC.

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1 ( Note , though , that once prices have risen , people will need more money to conduct the same amount of transactions . )
2 This will give people the opportunity to see the same actors play three different parts , and it will give me that essential ingredient of a good farce : strong ensemble acting . ’
3 I suppose it 's too much to expect a senior Queen 's Counsel to work the same hours as ordinary folk , ’ Bragg said grumpily .
4 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
5 Both the phosphorylation of receptors and their absence means that it takes more of the drug to obtain the same effect .
6 more money to provide the same level of service .
7 Where two tractors are of equal power , the heavier will probably need to be in a lower gear to pull the same weight .
8 ( make ) Both in the same script : the difference in the attempt to spell the same word indicates fairly clearly a weak visual memory .
9 The Japanese know only too well of the dangers that can be posed by Hong Kong 's ‘ expatriate ’ rugby community in their bid to tread the same path for the next World Cup .
10 He admires the work of the PFA and wants his association to win the same respect .
11 His achievements to date were listed : charges laid on the railway in the Tobruk area on the night of 14 October ; a failed attempt to do the same near Sidi Barani which resulted in the death of the patrol commander , Lieutenant Shorten ; two further breaks in the railway on 24 October ; nine breaks on 29 October , and finally another attack on the track on 31 October .
12 ‘ We will continue … to pursue steadily the path of co-operation with China and we look to the Chinese side to do the same .
13 Whereas I had seen the doctor who used the charity format as something of a villain , Bulgakov portrays himself as a hero in these stories and plainly expects his Soviet readership to do the same .
14 The Cambridge based project forms the ‘ umbrella ’ to wider collaborative research in which several independently financed groups will work in other countries using a similar methodology to address the same issues .
15 Thus , he claims IBM 's act of tearing up its price list was a purely symbolic gesture , simply an attempt to keep the same situation going .
16 Scientists have been holding a one-day strike in an attempt to get the same pay as their European colleagues .
17 As we shall see , the attempt to employ the same concepts to describe quite different tasks was a common phenomenon among young nationalists .
18 When Alison had pushed him he 'd started to gather the momentum to ask the same questions that were obsessing Forester — apparently not the reaction she 'd expected , judging from the way that she seemed to have slammed the lid back on the mixture before it could boil over .
19 However welcome Bourdieu 's analysis of consumers may be when contrasted to the more common attempt to explain the same material as a simple expression of business interests , the book 's impact is not enhanced by its entirely ignoring the sphere of production .
20 The more times we successfully complete a manoeuvre , the more opportunity we are giving the mind to reproduce the same movements .
21 For the museum to attract the same visitors more than once there must be some evidence of change . ’
22 Furthermore , of course , if the government did possess an important informational advantage there would be a strong incentive for the private sector to obtain the same information , so one might expect the advantage to be gradually eroded .
23 The next time you will be much more on your guard to avoid the same interviewing fault .
24 This capacity to generate the same response to part of a pattern as to the whole of it is one of the merits of network systems ( see chapter 7 ) .
25 Iraq , it said , would not yield before arrogance and terrorism , and called upon the Security Council to use the same criterion for dealing with all the problems of the region .
26 You can buy a strong slim trowel to do the same job and there are several on the market .
27 Are we truly prepared to offer no model of co-operating nations sinking their differences to achieve greater security , or are we prepared to live with a Europe that is increasingly fragmented , where nations ' first demand on sovereignty is to equip themselves with weapons to tackle or to defend themselves from new nations on their own borders that have the same heightened state of frenzy and determination to do the same ?
28 Equation ( 6.17 ) implies that dividends are a constant proportion of share wealth ( P0 ) and are set at exactly the level necessary to enable that share wealth to deliver the same dividend in all future periods .
29 It was that it was unfair for the single-person household to pay the same as the household with two , three , four or five members .
30 To be religious in such a way is to understand theology to have the same relation to the past as do all other human disciplines .
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