Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] from his " in BNC.

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1 He did not make any attempt to eliminate from his voice his complete disbelief in what he was saying .
2 If a person knows that he is confronted by a policeman and comes to the conclusion , wrongly , that the policeman is acting outside the scope of his duty , he acts at his peril if he chooses to use force to escape from his predicament .
3 The plaintiff seeks an interim or interlocutory injunction , being an order of the court requiring the defendant to desist from his action in order to maintain the status quo until its legality or illegality can be determined at a subsequent trial .
4 His cries became screams of pain when the branch whipped against his face , causing blood to spurt from his nose , staining his shirt with crimson raindrops .
5 Further , in this particular case , not only had the Controller seen fit to over-rule his Director , but had only permitted a mere four days recuperation period to allow his fallen agent to recover from his injuries .
6 ‘ I offered you this — ’ he allowed the girdle to dangle from his fingers ’ — if you would speak the names of those who hired you .
7 Luke drawled , allowing a weary sigh to escape from his lips .
8 All that a child has a right to claim from his father is nourishment and education and the things nature furnishes for the support of life but he has no right to demand rule or dominion from him .
9 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
10 But even more pressing was the need to escape from his discomforting gaze that could have been gratitude or suspicion or almost anything .
11 Morny was himself a partisan of a Russian rather than a British alliance , but a combination of the Tsar 's refusal to move from his position on the Treaty of 1856 and the Emperor 's fear of offending Britain made the attempt useless from the outset .
12 From the 1500s , the miller was supposed to allow a certain amount of water to flow from his pond , along the main street , its purpose ‘ to cleanse it ’ .
13 Norman seemed to have hold of a headed back-pass from central defender Gary Bennett , but he allowed the ball to slip from his grasp and challenging striker Mark Gall could hardly believe his luck as he dribbled towards an empty net to tap home .
14 Isis persisted in her demand to know his true name and such was Re 's pain that he allowed the terrible name to pass from his own body into that of Isis .
15 This caused Uncle Mick to lean heavily on the passenger on his left causing the pipe to fall from his mouth .
16 He found himself struggling on his back with the stifling presence of the flag wrapped round him like a shroud ; the strange thing was that as he weakly continued to struggle ( for the staff lay across his legs , pinning him down , and the lanyards had somehow trussed his elbows to his sides ) , he recognized the sensation immediately : this was a nightmare he had had on the night they had taken refuge in the Residency , and repeatedly since then throughout the siege ; when the Collector , cursing , had at last fought his way out of the flag , it was such a relief to escape from his nightmare that he felt he did not mind so much about the sepoys .
17 By the end of February 1941 , however , Axis interest in the Spanish offer had subsided considerably : Hitler 's attention was focused on the Soviet Union ; Ribbentrop had instructed Stohrer to desist from his attempts to secure active Spanish participation ; and Mussolini had reached the conclusion that there was nothing to be gained by pressing Spain further .
18 What steps are reasonable in any particular case will obviously depend on the circumstances in which the policeman ( or the citizen ) finds himself , but these might include requiring trespassers to leave , requiring a speaker to move from his chosen spot , or to desist from speaking altogether , calling for quiet when noise seems likely to provoke a breach of the peace ; in short , anything that is necessary to prevent the breach from occurring .
19 The law does not allow a man to derogate from his grant .
20 When the swing is from co-operation to conflict , the modification of one 's ends by reaction from another 's viewpoint will tend towards hate , revenge or cruelty rather than love , gratitude or pity ; by an effort to see from his viewpoint one can resist the tendency , but at the extreme point of escalation one 's ends narrow to the survival of self or kin , and the other and his destruction are reduced to means to it .
21 WHEN THE pilot of the stricken US fighter plane pulled the handle to eject from his EF-111 on Thursday , he was acknowledging the inevitable ; there was nothing more he could do to save his £10 million ‘ Raven ’ from crashing , only save the life of his navigator and himself .
22 Gordon showed us clearly the path of forgiveness , and gave us the strength to forgive from his experience .
23 Indeed , he had good cause to benefit from his death , yet , Corbett reasoned , he was only one among many .
24 He allowed a long streamer of mucus to hang from his mouth , watching as it struck the white enamel of the sink and trickled slowly into the plughole , leaving a crimson slick behind it .
25 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
26 Colonel Astor had bought The Times in 1922 specifically to keep it out of the clutches of Lloyd George , who was seeking a personal political base and had money to spend from his earlier sale of honours when Prime Minister .
27 ‘ The [ Son-of-Sam ] statute represents a response to the outrage expressed by the public at an offender 's ability to profit from his wrong ; but what publisher could contract with an offender if he were not certain that the public 's response to the offender 's story would generate enough profit to make his efforts worthwhile ? ’
28 In a similar tragedy three days before Christmas last year , father-of-six David Button , 34 , was knocked off his cycle and killed on his way to work from his home in Hedgerley , Bucks .
29 The two central characters are both academic teachers of English : Morris Zapp is one of the biggest guns in the Plotinus faculty , who elects to take a visiting professorship at Rummidge in order to escape from his marital problems ; his place is taken by Phillip Swallow , a naïve , amiable , unambitious Rummidge lecturer .
30 The Guinness Articles of Association relaxed the general rule of equity , which forbids a trustee to profit from his trust , to the extent of enabling a director to make such a profit provided the Board of Directors of the company approved any special remuneration .
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