Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 MODERN methods of assessing the value of scientific research might just as well not exist as far as British policy makers are concerned .
2 So long as the world was politically , and militarily , if not economically , permeated with British influence , school geography could safely and fruitfully explore even the most unlikely regions .
3 Alan Steele , from the King William , Barton , says his rent would more than double under a new 20-year lease and he can not afford to stay .
4 My team talk would short and to the point .
5 Once ejaculation and orgasm have been achieved by the man his penis will more or less rapidly return to its former size .
6 However , if one tries to envelop the noun phrase and the adjective in a single question , then , on the one hand , the result will usually or always be grammatical , because the verbs occurring in this construction can of course stand as ordinary transitive verbs , but , on the other , the question form will naturally be taken as related to the ordinary transitive verb with a simple noun phrase object — with a corresponding alteration in the meaning expressed ; ( 23 ) is an attempt to put such a question : ( 23 ) his sister set the owl free what did his sister set ? to which suitable answers could include the mousetrap or the first four questions .
7 Because of the interrelationships between the language modes , in good classroom practice the programmes of study will necessarily and rightly be integrated .
8 The working memory representation in TRACE can quickly and effectively brings such information to bear .
9 Also , the Euboian cleruchy may actually and ironically have accelerated the revolt it was designed to prevent — because cleruchiea had a garrison function ; but if the cleruchy was installed as early as 450 it can not have been an immediate grievance .
10 It seems realistic to expect the auditor to take such information into account in his review of the audit and the person acting as auditor also needs to be aware of other non-audit work on his client that partners in his firm may be doing such as for example tax work and they in turn should consider whether any information that may arise from their work is relevant to the conduct of the audit and where it is , they should also consider whether it is relevant to the duty to report to the regulator , the partner carrying out the audit should also if possible , discuss it with his client .
11 ‘ This spectacular discovery should once and for all prove what shape the original Globe was , ’ Martin Clout , the theatre architecture historian , said .
12 It was therefore inevitable that the BDA would sooner or later enlist professional help to raise money .
13 But no matter how erratic the behaviour of the monetary authorities becomes , the private sector will sooner or later latch on to what is happening .
14 The chronicler Hall emphasised the consternation produced by the government 's success in establishing a basis for swingeing taxation , and although wealth can seldom or never have been overstated for fiscal purposes , the Rutland muster book could perhaps be the exception that bears out his claim that ‘ some avaunced them selfes more than they were worth of pride , not remembryng [ realising/ suspecting ] what was coming ’ , naively succumbing to the blandishments of the commissioners , who ‘ did what they could to set the people to the vttermoste ’ .
15 Comments from around the office about the amplified sound were all very favourable and with a little work ( on the nut , in particular ) this guitar could more than handle a pro gig .
16 But ultimately the test is whether the buyer could fairly and reasonably refuse to accept the physical goods proffered to him on the ground that their failure to correspond with what was said about them makes them goods of a different kind from those he had agreed to buy .
17 To me , the whole process might just as well be magic .
18 There may be rare instances where a situation can be covered by one meaning but not by the other ; a police investigation might conceivably report that " criminal activity " ( associative use ) " in the southern suburbs includes ostentatious donations to charity in order to cultivate an image of respectability " ; a lawyer might jocularly speak of criminal activity having sharply increased in his legal chambers ( though intuitive awareness of the ambiguity might just as well make him avoid the phrase ) ; in both these cases the associative interpretation , only , is required .
19 Suppose he suggests that the Incarnation might just as well have taken a female as a male form , and the Second Person of the Trinity be as well called the Daughter as the Son … .
20 And the Beau Nash Room might just as well have been their luxury coach : twenty-three of them only for the minute , with Eddie Stratton now being held in custody by the New York Police , distanced by only a few yards , as it happened , from the mortal remains of his former wife ; and with Sam and Vera Kronquist , one of the three married couples originally listed on the tour , still in their room on the second floor of the hotel — Sam watching a mid-morning cartoon on ITV , and Vera , fully dressed , lying back lazily against the pillows of their double bed , reading the previous February 's issue of Country Life .
21 The commentator 's ingenuous query could just as well have been prompted , however , by an unrelated but somehow symptomatic display of the insensitivity and obstinacy that have come to be regarded as part of Kohl 's character .
22 Similarly , David Tagg of Grand Metropolitan referred to using headhunters when he had an eye on a specific person within another company : a headhunter could discreetly and confidentially find out if that person might consider moving , before the name of the interested party , i.e. Grand Metropolitan , need be revealed .
23 If he could get contributions from Japan , the Germans , and above all , the rich Arab states , then the war could more than pay for itself , as well as unambiguously showing the world whose new world order it would be .
24 Apart from advancing West German claims for equality , and thereby effectively removing one of the striking drawbacks which the EDC would sooner or later have had to face , the WEU structure achieved no significant results .
25 SEP had simply assumed that expenditure on upkeep would more than compensate for any deterioration of its warehouses ’ .
26 Obviously our public opinion would bitterly and rightly resent any delay in getting our men home , or any infliction of unnecessary hardship on them , and if the choice is between hardship to our men and death to the Russians the choice is plain . "
27 Cat owners often notice that their pet will suddenly and for no apparent reason make a headlong dash through the house .
28 Wherever you are in the world , that Rockwool product will more than match the specification .
29 Anyone with a desire for truth will unreflectingly and instinctively do this .
30 Prepayments and other assets will only be carried in the balance sheet to the extent that their recoverability in the business can reasonably and prudently foreseen .
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