Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A user may after a while remember that " Surgery " is represented by L:4:7 and he may remember that " The stomach " is represented by the symbol L24 .
2 to bringing the claim , if it is pursued , the claim maybe good , it maybe bad and it depends upon the circumstances of the underline agreement , that 's one example where something maybe good or it maybe bad , it 's like an intellectual property ride , depending on how you exercise the right , it maybe good or it maybe bad , if you use it to block parallel imports or for some anti competitive purpose then it may be bad , erm it , it 's not necessarily the case that if you have a clause in the contract it is always in every circumstance bad , where the clause itself allows the undertaking concerned , to exercise it in a particular way , now , erm so so that as a matter of principal not all clauses could be automatically said in a standard form contract to be good or bad and it may depend upon how they are to exercise in a particular way , what we have said is the , the , erm , the provision in on , on the , the unfettable authority , er , erm and powers of the agent , erm is void it would depend upon the facts of each individual case whether or not every other restriction as your Lordships seen again only through and the cases they side , erm that other provisions in a standard form contract may on the facts be had , it depends upon the significance of the particular clause in the circumstances , my Lord in , in answer to your Lordships question , I do n't think it necessary follows that every clause is bad , but we do say it depends upon the facts and we have pleaded that not all loss might be erm defensible against .
3 In the case of information relating to er say client A which is obtained by the auditor while auditing client B , the auditor ought as a matter of sound practice normally to use the information to make further enquiries for the purpose of the audit of A. These interpretations have been set out more fully in the statement of auditing standards and the professional guidance issued by the auditing practices board that will accompany this legislation and as matters of courtesy to the house er Madam Deputy Speaker , I ask that a copy of that be placed in the library .
4 Of course , nowadays , fashions in fragrance do mirror those in clothes ; it 's no coincidence may of the world 's best-sellers have been created by top designers .
5 Since even the best attested fact of the history of the past can possess no more than a very high degree of probability and since , by definition , Christian and indeed all religious faith must from the believer 's point of view be absolutely certain and secure , can faith ever be said to depend upon an historical fact , no matter how well established ?
6 When we are required to respond to Green Papers , White Papers or Royal Commissions , whether we are negotiating over the Courts and Legal Services Bill or standard fees in the magistrates ' courts , the quality of our response must at the very least match that of other interested parties and groupings .
7 This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself .
8 In addition there is specific provision in section 6(3) , which provides that the defendant must as a minimum be aware that his conduct is or might be threatening , abusive or insulting .
9 To qualify , an industry must in the previous three months have seen both value of production and number of its new employees fall by more than 5% from the previous year .
10 Like the meeting in London just after the death of Edmund Ironside , it hints at a realisation on Cnut 's part that his rule would to a degree depend on English support .
11 ‘ I do n't want to sell them , but if an offer came in that was right for the club and right for the player , then we would consider it , just as any club would in the lower divisions in the same position .
12 A people without religion will in the end find that it has nothing to live for .
13 In addition , the research will for the first time analyse the political processes associated with the determination and issuance of standards through case studies of data communication and ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network ) standards .
14 Labour turning on its back on Employment Action will in no way help them gain the necessary experience to be employable , or to be equipped for further training for more advanced skills .
15 Today his advice might be : ‘ A man with a gun and word processor can make more money in a month than his lawyer can in a lifetime . ’
16 Then it began to dim as he realised , first , that it was Viola Angotti and , second , that he was not going to get her into the garbage can without a great deal of help .
17 I found an old coat thrown across a garbage can in a back alley .
18 Then he seized the bag of cookies , and on his way back indoors , threw them where he considered they belonged , in the trash can with the rest of the garbage .
19 Chicken may in the past have been lean , but modern farming does not allow the birds to exercise and it also ‘ fattens ’ them quickly , so their meat may not be quite as lean as current nutritional data indicates .
20 those employed in senior management may by the nature of their jobs be fully aware of what is required of them and fully capable of judging for themselves whether they are achieving that requirement .
21 This back-arc zone may of a large marginal basin separating the intra-oceanic island arc from an adjacent continent , or it may be a more complex feature containing one or more remnant arcs , separated from the volcanic arc and each other by interarc basins .
22 The fundamental requirement must in the end of any prestigious academic institution , to be a place where academic standards are maintained .
23 But the fundamental requirement must in the end , of any prestigious academic institution , to be a place where academic standards are maintained .
24 But if there is to be a new morality — new values for the new situation resulting from technological and political change in the closing years of the twentieth century — then the creation of that new morality must in the end be a joint enterprise of both women and men .
25 Are you arguing Mr Girt that the level of provision of employment land proposed by North Yorkshire County Council is excessive , bearing in mind your request that the County Council should at the same time cater for one hundred percent of past migration trends , including that coming from the Leeds Metropolitan Area ?
26 The question must for the moment remain open as to whether it is inevitable that the economy should move in this cyclical way as it copes with the new microelectronics technology .
27 Certainly it was once hoped , particularly after the devastation of the last war , that modern architecture might with the aid of science and technology provide mankind with a wholly satisfying new environment — and do so in a matter of a few decades .
28 The implication was that Gen Noreiga 's bravado could in no legal sense be taken as a declaration of hostilities .
29 But what we have to bear in mind of course er the f financial propriety of this council would in a sense have been very easy over the years if the labour party previously had trimmed its budget according to what we could all afford .
30 The injunction was : Item ; That you and every parson , vicar or curate within this diocese shall for every churche kepe one boke or registere , wherein ye shall write the day and yere of every wedding , christenyng and burying made within yor parish for your tyme , and so every man succeeding you lykewise .
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